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Interior Proposes Path for Re-Establishing Government-to-Government
Relationship with Native Hawaiian Community
Last edited 9/30/2015
Date: September 29, 2015
Contact: Jessica Kershaw, Interior_Press@ios.doi.gov
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of the Interior announced today a proposal
to create an administrative procedure and criteria that the Secretary of the
Interior would apply if the Native Hawaiian community forms a unified
government that then seeks a formal government-to-government relationship
with the United States. Under the new proposal, the Native Hawaiian community
— not the Federal government — would decide whether to reorganize a Native
Hawaiian government, what form that government would take, and whether it
would seek a government-to-government relationship with the United States.
“The United States has a long-standing policy of supporting self-governance
for Native peoples, yet the benefits of the government-to-government
relationship have long been denied to Native Hawaiians, one of our nation’s
largest indigenous communities,” said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally
Jewell. “Today’s proposal is testament to the Obama Administration’s
strong support for our nation’s Native peoples’ right to self-determination.
朱厄爾(Sally Jewell)說。“今日的提議證明歐巴馬政府強烈支持我們國家的本土人民
The proposal, which takes the form of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM),
builds on more than 150 Federal statutes that Congress has enacted over the
last century to recognize and implement the special political and trust
relationship between the United States and the Native Hawaiian community. The
NPRM comes on the heels of a robust and transparent public comment period as
part of an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) process that began
last year and included public meetings. More than 5,000 members of the public
submitted written responses to the ANPRM, and they overwhelmingly favored
creating a pathway for re-establishing a formal government-to-government
採用提議規範公告(NPRM:a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)形式之該提議建基於超
土島民共同體之間特別的政治與信任關係。該提議規範公告(NPRM:a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking)緊跟在堅強且透明的公眾評論期之後而來,它做為去年開始且含
蓋了公開會議的提議規範預先公告(ANPRM:an Advance Notice of Proposed
ANPRM:an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking),並且他們壓倒性地支持創造一
“We’ve listened to the feedback we received during the public meetings and
in writing and worked to improve the proposal to reflect those comments,”
added Jewell. “We appreciate the many voices on this topic and look forward
to hearing from the public on this proposal.”
If a government-to-government relationship is reestablished, it can provide
the community with greater flexibility to preserve its distinct culture and
traditions and special status under Federal law that enables the community to
exercise powers of self-government over many issues directly impacting
community members.
The Native Hawaiian community has not had a formal government since the
overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893. In 1993, Congress enacted the
Apology Resolution, which offered an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of
the United States for its role in the overthrow and committed the Federal
government to a process of reconciliation. As part of that reconciliation
process, in 2000 the Department of the Interior and the Department of Justice
jointly issued a report identifying as its lead recommendation the need to
foster self-determination for Native Hawaiians under Federal law.
投入和解過程的道歉決議案(the Apology Resolution)。做為和解過程的一部分,於
Today’s proposal is available for review at www.doi.gov/ohr, and public
comments on it will be accepted for the next 90 days. Members of the public
are encouraged to read the proposal and provide comments in writing by email
to part50@doi.gov, on www.regulations.gov (docket no. DOI-2015-0005), or by
U.S. mail/hand delivery to the Office of the Secretary, Department of the
Interior, Room 7228, 1849 C St. NW, Washington, DC 20240. The public is also
encouraged to participate in teleconferences on the proposed rule, a schedule
of which is available here.