Nobel Peace Prize for Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet
National Dialogue Quartet 由四個組織所組成
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to
Tunisia's National Dialogue Quartet
for helping the country's transition to democracy.
National Dialogue Quartet因幫助突尼西亞民主化而獲頒諾貝爾和平獎
The Nobel committee said the group of civil society organisations had made a
"decisive contribution" to democracy after the 2011 revolution.
諾貝爾委員會說 該民間社會組織在2011年的革命之後 對民主有"決定性的貢獻"
It said the quartet helped establish a political process when the country
"was on the brink of civil war".
當國家在"內戰的邊緣" 集團建立了和平的政治進程
Tunisia's uprising was the first and most successful of the Arab Spring.