An Orthodox bishop blesses Russian missiles for airstrikes in Syria
Business Insider
As Russia continues to deepen its military involvement in Syria, the conflict
has increasingly taken on religious dimensions.
In the above photo, an Orthodox bishop blesses Russian missiles intended for
airstrikes against Syrian rebels. According to Reuters reporter Noah
Browning, the bishop is sprinkling holy water on the missile before it is put
aboard a Russian plane.
The blessing of missiles comes after Patriarch Kirill, the Primate of the
Russian Orthodox Church, declared that Russia's intervention in Syria, which
is aimed at the rebels currently aligned against Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad, is a"holy battle."
俄羅斯東正教大主教「基里爾一世(Patriarch Kirill of Moscow)聲稱,俄羅斯在敘利
亞的空襲行動,其目的是針對反抗現任敘利亞政府阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad)的反政府
武裝組織。並聲稱干預是一個 「聖戰(holy battle)」。
“Russia took a responsible decision to use military forces to protect the
Syrian people from the woes brought on by the tyranny of terrorists," Kirill
「俄羅斯使用了軍事行動是一個相當負責任的決定(responsible decision),以保護因
Russia has been carrying out a high tempo of airstrikes largely against
nationalist Syrian rebels, with few strikes against ISIS, since September 30.
Moscow has signaled that it is in for the long haul in the country after
having moved large supplies of aircraft, tanks, munitions, and even singers
and dancers for entertainment to Syria.
Moscow has declared that its intervention is aimed at defeating ISIS, but
maps of Russian airstrikes seem to indicate that Russia is significantly more
interested in propping up the Assad regime than destroying the Islamic State.
莫斯科宣布,其空襲的目的在於摧毀 ISIS,但俄羅斯空襲地圖似乎表明,俄羅斯明顯的
更熱衷於炸爛伊斯蘭國(Islamic State)。