Re: [新聞] 中核集團將要獲得60億美元阿根廷核電項目

作者: Adelman (赤尻汁男)   2015-11-06 23:31:03
主要是輸出國內過剩的水泥 鋼材 勞動力
這個數據可以去中國新聞網查詢 絕不忽悠 絕不騙人
※ 引述《czqs2000 (青山)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: Foreign Affairs
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: CNNC inches toward $6b nuclear deal in Argentina
: 中核集團即將獲得60億美元的阿根廷核電項目
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: State-owned China National Nuclear Corp is inching closer to a $6 billion de
: al with Argentina to build the Latin American country’s fourth nuclear plan
: t.
: 中國國企中核集團(CNNC)將要贏得價值60億美元的阿根廷第四個核電站項目。
: The nuclear giant has wrapped up talks for the fourth reactor and signed a f
: ramework agreement for a fifth plant. That fifth one is expected to use Chin
: a’s home-grown nuclear technology, according to CNNC sources.
: 核巨頭們已經結束了第四個反應堆的談判,并且簽署了第五個核電站的框架協議。根據
: 中核集團的消息,第五個反應堆將使用中國自主研發的技術。
: CNNC will work with Nucleoelectrica, the state-owned nuclear operator of Arg
: entina, on the fourth reactor, Atucha 3, which is expected to cost about $6
: billion. Construction of the Atucha Nuclear Power Plant Complex in Buenos Ai
: res province is expected to be completed in eight years.
: 中核集團將要和阿根廷的核電國企Nucleoelectrica合作建設60億美元的阿根廷的第四個
: 核反應堆Atucha 3。復雜的Atucha核電站建設預計在8年內完工。
: Atucha 3 will be using a Canadian-developed Candu reactor which uses a heavy
: -water model, while the fifth reactor, Atucha 4,
: will use China’s third-generation pressurized-water nuclear technology, kno
: wn as Hualong One.
: Atucha 3將要使用加拿大的坎度中水反應堆技術。而Atucha 4將要使用中國第三代壓水
: 堆技術“華龍一號”。
: But the site of the project Atucha 4, which is expected to cost $7 billion,
: has not been decided yet.
: 但是70億美元的Atucha 4工程,還未完全確定。
: According to earlier reports, it is most likely to be on the Paraguay River
: which flows through the country.
: 根據之前的報道,(Atucha 4)將要設立在流經全國的巴拉圭河流域。
: CNNC operates two Candu 6 units at its Qinshan plant in Zhejiang province, w
: hich is likely to become the reference projects for Atucha 3.
: 中核集團在浙江的秦山核電站擁有兩個坎度-6反應堆,可能成為Atucha 3反應堆的參考
: 工程。
: Through the contract, Nucleoelectrica will provide 62 percent of the equipme
: nt, while CNNC will provide the rest of the equipment, goods, and services.
: 根據協議,Nucleoelectrica將提供62%的設備,中核集團將要提供剩下的設備和服務。
: Chinese lenders will support 38 percent of the total funding, according to a
: report by the Xinhua News Agency.
: 根據新華社的消息,中國將要承擔全部費用的38%。
: “The negotiation process for the fourth reactor is complete, and the deal w
: ill be closed soon by both countries,” the report quoted Argentina’s Minis
: try of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services as saying.
: “第四個反應堆的談判已經完成,兩國即將簽署協議”阿根廷聯邦計劃、公共投資和服
: 務部說。
: The deal would be part of a wider plan to boost nuclear power capacity by 3,
: 000 megawatts over the next decade to meet rising demand for electricity in
: Argentina, where only three nuclear power stations currently operate.
: 這個計劃將是滿足阿根廷未來十年內不斷增長的3000兆瓦電力廣闊需求的一部分,現在
: 阿根廷只有三座正在運行的核電站。
: Chinese participation in Argentina’s new plants is important for both sides
: , since Argentina needs funds from China and China is keen on exporting its
: nuclear technologies, experts said.
: 中國參與阿根廷的新核電站對雙方都很重要,因為阿根廷需要來自中國的資金,而中國
: 是熱衷于出口核技術,專家說。
: “China’s nuclear technology can be as competitive as the ones offered by i
: ts Western counterparts,” said Ma Yi, an expert from China Nuclear Power En
: gineering Co, adding that the construction of the Hualong One reactor in the
: Fuqing plant in Fujian province has already started.
: “中國的核電技術可以和西方同行競爭。”,來自中核集團的專家馬毅說,華龍一號核
: 反應堆已經在福建福清核電站開始運行。
: China is embarking on an ambitious nuclear power program to change its energ
: y mix toward cleaner fuel, and it hopes to leverage domestic experience to e
: xport home-grown technology.
: 中國正著手實施一項雄心勃勃的核電計劃,改變它的能源結構以使用更多清潔能源,并
: 且希望利用國內的經驗去出口自主研發的核電技術。
: Other Chinese companies involved in the Argentinean nuclear projects may inc
: lude Harbin Electric, Shanghai Electric, Zhefu Holding Group and China First
: Heavy Industries Group.
: 其他參與阿根廷核電項目的企業可能包括哈爾濱泰富電氣、上海電氣、浙富控股集團和
: 中國第一重型工業集團。
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: gentina/
: 5.備註:
: 除了高鐵,中國開始全世界推銷核電了。
作者: Anvec (鄉民)   2015-11-06 23:32:00
還可以賺30% 而且邊做邊摸索 自己搞研發 沒市場也白搭握有市場 再自己摸索 那進步是超快的因為每搗鼓一點技術 可以找人測試 修改 再測試
作者: LinFan (綠島耕作)   2015-11-06 23:34:00
中國搞高鐵也是一樣 先找外資進來然後全數copy13.7億人才庫不是蓋的 現在已經能夠輸出高鐵了
作者: lX (我要挑戰1個X)   2015-11-06 23:36:00
手機燒了 就是找蘋果啊 MIC有負責嗎?
作者: wladimir (wladimir)   2015-11-06 23:37:00
作者: ckbdfrst (ckbdfrst)   2015-11-06 23:40:00
高鐵一進去就出事了 那比喻一點也不好 你巴西要學埋人嗎

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