Re: [新聞] NASA 公布「EM DRIVE」實驗成功 翻譯

作者: gostjoke (鬼笑話)   2015-11-09 13:24:16
※ 引述《okura (大倉)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 英國dailymail
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Is deep space travel a step closer to reality? Nasa reveals successful test
: of 'impossible' fuel-free engine that breaks the laws of physics
長遠太空旅行是否更有可能於現實中? Nasa宣布 在這看似不可能的無燃料引擎試驗成功
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 摘要:
: EM Drive Fuel-free engine could take a spacecraft to Mars in 10 weeks.
: Creates thrust by bouncing microwaves in chamber, using solar power.
: Nasa has conducted more tests using an improved experimental process.
: Test designed to remove errors from earlier study but still produced thrust.
: Scientists still aren't sure how this happens as it defies the laws of physics.
搭載EM drive 無燃料引擎的火箭到火星需十禮拜 藉由太陽光所生產生的微波增幅動力
NASA 現在已經建立數個實驗引擎 試圖改善該引擎早期測試的諸多問題
: An 'impossible' fuel-free engine, which could take a humans to Mars in just
: 10 weeks, is still defying science after another batch of tests by Nasa
: suggested the thruster does work.
: The so-called EM Drive creates thrust by bouncing microwaves around in an
: enclosed chamber, and uses only solar power.
: When the concept was first proposed, it was considered implausible because it
: went against the laws of physics - and subsequent tests of the engine have
: shown that the idea could revolutionise space travel.
: Now Nasa has provided the first update on the test in months, and it seems to
: suggest that the futuristic engine does, in fact, work.
: Scientists, however, still don't know why.
: The update was given by Paul March, one of the top engineers working the EM
: Drive thruster at the Eagleworks Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center in
: Texas.
Paul 是這方面頂尖的科學家 在德州的強納森太空中心
: He said Nasa has managed to remove some of the errors from earlier tests -
: but still found signals of unexplained thrust.
: Among the criticisms of previous experiments were that the tests were not
: carried out in a vacuum, thereby mirroring the conditions in space.
: But the latest Nasa test appears to have addressed these concerns.
: March's announcement is the first direct announcement in months, with the
: space agency largely remaining silent about any developments on the
: controversial project.
他說仍有數個問題存於現在的早期測試 但發現有個不知從何而來的推力
但NASA 的數據顯示 太空中的真空條件更有利於該爭議性計畫
: March posted on the Nasa Spaceflight forum in reply to an unpublished paper
: that claims the unaccounted thrust is generated by something known as the
: Lorentz force.
: The Lorentz force is the force that is exerted by a magnetic field on a
: moving electric charge.
: But March says his tests prove this is not true.
: 'I will tell you that we first built and installed a second generation,
: closed face magnetic damper that reduced the stray magnetic fields in the
: vacuum chamber by at least an order of magnitude and any Lorentz force
: interactions it could produce,' he said
: 'And yet the anomalous thrust signals remain.'
: March also says that in the latest developments, thermal expansion of the
: thruster is taken into account to reduce all possible sources of error.
Paul March 在 NASA 太空論壇上回應關於一篇論文 該論文宣稱 那種未知推力有點像
勞倫茲力 來自於 運動電荷在磁場中所產生的一種推力
但March 確認為他的測試顯示那論文是錯的
他說"我告訴你們 我認為我們建造的是一種第二代的引擎 其磁阻接近勞倫茲力並
減少磁場的迷散在真空中 生產至少一股以上的磁場與勞倫茲力的的交互作用所能
他也提到 最新的發展 我們仍試圖在熱膨脹理論上找出渦輪上問題
: 到月球只要4小時
: 到火星只要10個禮拜
: 此種動力只需以太陽光發電即可
: 完全不需運載任何燃料
: 科學家說其原理至今仍然不明
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: 本魯不會縮網址
: 2ch
: 打開此網頁後有詳細新聞連結共4個
: 5.備註:
: 阿共成天妄想打老美根本呵呵
簡單翻一下 我不學物理的 有些不確定有沒有翻錯
只是測試好嗎= =
作者: hsnuonly (附中only)   2015-11-09 13:25:00
作者: shadowdio   2015-11-09 13:26:00
作者: signm (sin)   2015-11-09 13:27:00
作者: andy02 (卡夫卡)   2015-11-09 13:28:00
作者: mikamitomoya (三上智也)   2015-11-09 13:28:00
作者: F35B   2015-11-09 13:28:00
作者: les5277 (小賭怡情,大賭興家。)   2015-11-09 13:30:00
作者: fearman5566 (沒)   2015-11-09 13:31:00
作者: hsnuonly (附中only)   2015-11-09 13:31:00
Lorentz force是勞倫茲力 不是勞倫茲的推力
作者: lionhome20 (林北大GG)   2015-11-09 13:32:00
作者: SuperUp (( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏)   2015-11-09 13:32:00
作者: hsnuonly (附中only)   2015-11-09 13:33:00
force請翻譯成力或作用力 不要翻成推力你沒學物理可是看起來也沒多英文R 加油豪嗎
作者: tending (南港林威助)   2015-11-09 13:34:00
作者: awenracious (Racious)   2015-11-09 13:34:00
4小時? 一日生活圈嗎? 可以推一日觀光了
作者: Galm (水牛)   2015-11-09 13:38:00
所以這是外星科技還是真的已經有原型機了? 還是三人成虎?
作者: blackwindy (黑色的風)   2015-11-09 13:40:00
NASA有實驗跟結果數據 但是不是誤差或別的因素待討論需要更多實驗跟物理學家來解釋跟驗證
作者: eiw123 (阿克西斯教信徒)   2015-11-09 13:41:00
有原型吧 可是怎跑出來的也不知道果然是外星科技
作者: cocount (㊣看熱鬧的鄉民㊣)   2015-11-09 13:45:00
作者: goodideals (= =)   2015-11-09 13:45:00
幹 月球房價要被台灣人炒到井噴了
作者: ap9xxx (Counting Stars)   2015-11-09 14:14:00
翻譯 :發現 aldnoah

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