※ 引述《okura (大倉)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 英國dailymail
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Is deep space travel a step closer to reality? Nasa reveals successful test
: of 'impossible' fuel-free engine that breaks the laws of physics
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 摘要:
: EM Drive Fuel-free engine could take a spacecraft to Mars in 10 weeks.
: Creates thrust by bouncing microwaves in chamber, using solar power.
: Nasa has conducted more tests using an improved experimental process.
: Test designed to remove errors from earlier study but still produced thrust.
: Scientists still aren't sure how this happens as it defies the laws of physics.
: 全文:
: An 'impossible' fuel-free engine, which could take a humans to Mars in just
: 10 weeks, is still defying science after another batch of tests by Nasa
: suggested the thruster does work.
: The so-called EM Drive creates thrust by bouncing microwaves around in an
: enclosed chamber, and uses only solar power.
: When the concept was first proposed, it was considered implausible because it
: went against the laws of physics - and subsequent tests of the engine have
: shown that the idea could revolutionise space travel.
: March posted on the Nasa Spaceflight forum in reply to an unpublished paper
: that claims the unaccounted thrust is generated by something known as the
: Lorentz force.
EM Drive原理宣稱是利用勞倫茲力產生產生衝力
: The Lorentz force is the force that is exerted by a magnetic field on a
: moving electric charge.
各位修過普通物理, 應該知道移動電荷在磁場受力
_ _ _ _ _
F=q (v x B) = q [(ds/dt) xB ]
但是要讓太空船加速, 此磁力必須作功來產生動能
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W= F.s = q (v x B). s = q [(ds/dt) xB ]. s = 0
而磁力跟位移的外積, 再跟位移取內積必為零
這則新聞裡提到動力來源是羅倫茲力, 肯定是錯的
看到這邊, 已經可以知道這則新聞必定是唬爛