勝文在現實中 以那樣的體態 (過重不用當兵?)
女生在街上看到勝文 會看他第二眼嗎?
這樣算帥氣嗎? 上過八堂課就能成為財經專家的勝文....
※ 引述《ccyk (白)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《bezbol (o.o)》之銘言:
: : 這下全世界都見証了台灣最美麗的風景
: : https://goo.gl/lLwsHC
: : 該表揚他嗎?
: : 讓全世界的人認識台灣
: : 馬習會都沒有受到如此高度重視
: : 真是台灣之光
: Reddit鄉民回答
: I've lived in Taiwan for two years, and that's definitely true, especially
: when you make an attempt to try to speak the language. It's also true that
: many local girls will be interested in you simply because you're Caucasian,
: which is probably what this guy was so mad about.
: 我在台灣住了兩年,這是真的,特別是在你嘗試說該語言時。許多當地的女孩對你感興趣
: 只因你是高加索人,大概是這傢伙如此生氣的原因。
: To add to this, there is a commonly perpetuated stereotype that foreign guys
: only go to Taiwan to try to get laid. And while those people definitely
: exist, it's obviously not true for the most part. For someone like this guy,
: who doesn't have a girlfriend, it's much easier to convince yourself that
: it's because foreigners "steal" all the women, than consider that maybe
: you're just not that attractive.
: 此外,這裡有個既定的普遍刻板印象,外國人來台灣就是來搞一夜情。當然這種人肯定存
: 在,但大多數人顯然不是這樣。對某些沒女友的人像這傢伙,要說服自己是外國人把所有
: 女人都幹走了,總是比接受自己不具吸引力的事實來得容易。
: I think the best part is he basically looks like every racist keyboard
: warrior ever. Acne scars, glasses, bad haircut and overweight.
: 我認為最棒的部分是他具備所有種族歧視鍵盤戰士的特質。痘疤、戴眼鏡、糟糕的髮型以
: 及過胖。
: Surprised no one asked:
: ‧ are you rich?
: ‧ you think you are handsome?
: 居然沒人問:
: ‧ 你有錢嗎?
: ‧ 你認為你夠帥嗎?
: As a Chinese woman, I could not agree more. Negative stereotypes, racism, and
: sexism are still a big problem (especially in Asia) but I am seeing change.
: 身為華裔婦女,我不能同意更多。負面刻板印象、種族和性別歧視依然是個大問題(特別
: 是在亞洲)。不過我看到了改變。
: This guy seriously underestimated the power of social media.
: 這傢伙肯定嚴重低估了社群媒體的力量。
: It's much easier to blame other people than to accept that you're not
: attractive.
: 怪罪別人總比接受自己沒什麼吸引力來得容易。
: He repeatedly calls the other guy ugly. I think it's fair to point out that
: this guy is out of shape, has a bad haircut, and has bad hygiene
: 他一直叫對方醜男。我想指出這傢伙身材走樣、髮型糟糕、衛生習慣不佳應該滿公平的。
: Nothing more attractive than a raving asshole who looks as if he's a few days
: between washings.
: 沒有什麼比看起來好幾天沒洗澡的胡言亂語asshole更有魅力了
: Move to western country. Marry white girl.
: 搬到西方國家娶個白人妹吧。
: 鄉民們怎麼看?