※ 引述《ilyj2012 (麒麟才子)》之銘言:
: If the United States were to operate closer to the Taiwanese strait, such as Kadena 486 nautical miles from Taiwan, F-22's stored or being refueled on the ground would be at significant risk from PRC conventional ballistic missiles such as the DF-11 and DF-21. Because the US prioritized the European theater for decades during the Cold War, US airbases in the Western-Pacific region remain relatively unhardened against cluster munition warheads (RAND, 2010). Andersen AFB is currently the only US airbase
: outside of Chinese conventional ballistic missile range.
: http://manglermuldoon.blogspot.com/2014_02_01_archive.html
: 簡單翻譯:如果美國不想用太遠的關島基地,用比較近一點的基地,例如琉球嘉手納基地,那麼
: 美軍機場和飛機都在共軍的常規彈道導彈的打擊范圍內。關島是唯一處於共軍常規導彈
: 打擊范圍之外的美軍基地。
: 這篇文章寫於2014年,那個時候中共還沒有展示綽號【關島速遞】的東風26導彈。
簡單解釋: 你只要一顆飛彈偏離琉球基地上空, 掉到日本領土,
接下來八小時就會從面對美軍, 變成面對美日聯軍,
同理, 南韓也適用。
還有, 基本上中國跟美國在這區域開幹, 卻說不干台灣的事,
所以如果攻擊琉球美軍基地, 到時候下場就是要面對美日台聯軍。