teslarace (文以載é“)
2016-08-05 10:55:11※ 引述《lij1243 (加油 :))》之銘言:
: 網路上很多鄉民都說英國沒補助運動員,回家打開報紙一看...
: 去(2015)年秋季「公共開支評估」(Spending Review)報告顯示,「英國體育」自
: 府獲得之補助款上升了29%。該組織原先擔憂政府財政緊縮將影響補助額度,但事實上
: 加總國家彩卷經費後,其以2020年東京奧運為目標之資金已高達每年一億四千八百萬英
: 。
: 英國政府補助運動一年居然有60億台幣!?四年奧運備賽240幾億啊!?
: 假的!眼睛業障重!
: 這時候,把報紙摺起來,看看鄉民大大推薦的兩部民國初年的電影。
: 沒錯,拿了四面金牌英國政府都不理他。
: 但是那報紙報導英國政府的補助是真的還是假的?
After the games had finished, the Olympic team and Owens were all invited to c
ompete in Sweden. He decided to capitalize on his success by returning to the
United States to take up some of the more lucrative commercial offers. United
States athletic officials were furious and withdrew his amateur status, ending
his career immediately. Owens was angry, saying, "A fellow desires something
for himself." Owens argued that the racial discrimination he had faced through
out his athletic career, such as not being eligible for scholarships in colleg
e and therefore being unable to take classes between training and working to p
ay his way, meant he had to give up on amateur athletics in pursuit of financi
al gain elsewhere.
Prohibited from amateur sporting appearances to bolster his profile, Owens fou
nd out that the commercial offers had all but disappeared.
Owens ran a dry cleaning business and worked as a gas station attendant to ear
n a living; he eventually filed for bankruptcy.