So does that therefore mean that the article about the hackers changing China
’s name on the medal tally to “Taiwanese Beijing” is a complete hoax?
= = = = = =
It seems like you’ve misled a lot of people then, judging by the amount of
news outlets that have picked up the story. What do you have to say to them?
Well, I’m sorry to anyone who feels misled. But the fact is, I’m glad we’
re having a discussion about this topic, because it’s something very close
to my heart. Let’s consider the facts for a moment.
= = = = = =
※ 引述《warren1990 (墨魚)》之銘言:
: udn
: 奧運金牌榜 中國被改成「台灣北京」
: 因應大陸「一個中國」的外交政策,世界上大部分國家只承認一個中國,我國無法以主權
: 國家名義參與國家活動,僅能以中華台北(Chinese Taipei)的名稱參加。但國外網站
: bubbletea101披露,有駭客將奧運金牌榜上的中國(CHINA)改成「台灣北京」(
: TAIWANESE BEIJING),諷刺中國大陸長期將台灣強加在身的行徑。
: 該文章還指出,是誰想出中華台北這麼可笑的名字,但世界其他國家卻對此視而不見,還
: 稱讚駭客想出「台灣北京」這個主意簡直是個天才。
: http://udn.com/news/story/1/1908705