Re: [問卦] 川普掰掰惹嗎?

作者: p90ep90e (IAmTheWalkingDisaster)   2016-10-09 11:11:56
※ 引述《genheit (genheit)》之銘言:
: 這次的摸女人,吹噓上女人的事件,如同2000年宋叛仔的興票案,重擊川普陣營。政治人
: 物有兩個大忌,搞錢和搞女人,川普要上有夫之婦,要摸她們的私處,已經完全超出了共
: 和黨的極限。
: 如今眾多共和黨人已經跳出來劃清界線,看來大勢已去。
: 這是壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草嗎?
In a rare public statement by Melania Trump, wife of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, she said today that her husband's words in a leaked videotape from 2005 "are unacceptable and offensive to me."
She added that the remarks do not "represent the man that I know" and that she hopes the public will accept his apology and focus on issues facing the nation and world.
"The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me," Melania Trump said in the statement. "This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world. "
Mike Pence expressed dismay Saturday over Donald Trump's lewd comments about women, saying in a statement that he was "offended" but wanted to give his embattled running mate a chance to "show what is in his heart" at the second presidential debate.
"As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the eleven-year-old video released yesterday," Pence said in a written statement. "I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. I am grateful that he has expressed remorse and apologized to the American people. We pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night."
Pence earlier cancelled an appearance in Wisconsin amid the fallout from Friday's video.
The Republican National Committee is taking the weekend to reevaluate its strategy while lawyers examine the legal hurdles to replacing Donald Trump with another nominee, according to Republicans in touch with the committee.
On Friday night, RNC chair Reince Priebus told an aggrieved state party chair that he realized a public dumping of Trump by the party would sink the nominee’s remaining chances. He said the committee would take 48 hours to reevaluate its election strategy, according to a Republican operative briefed on the conversation.
The RNC saw the departure of two low-level field staffers in the states on Friday night and is expecting more, according to the operative.
Meanwhile, the RNC has lawyers examining the possibility of putting forth another nominee one month from Election Day, with ballots already printed and early voting in progress in some states, according to two other Republicans. “RNC has an army of lawyers right now looking at Rule 9 and ballot questions,” said one, a Republican strategist. The RNC’s Rule 9 pertains to filling vacant nominations.
But the lawyers have concluded that Trump would have to cooperate in any attempt to replace him, said another Republican in touch with the committee. “The fact remains that he can only be replaced if he quits or dies. And he’s declared today he’s not planning on doing either.”
Even as they consider eleventh-hour options, party officials are urging local operatives to remain calm and see if Trump can weather the storm.
Matt Pinnell, the RNC's state party director, has been fielding calls from chairmen around the country and urging them to stay the course, at least for now.
Steve House, the Colorado GOP chairman, texted Pinnell on Saturday morning with questions, including one how to potentially replace a nominee once his name has been printed on ballots that are about to be sent out.
"I asked if we should change course in any way regarding resources, strategy and the answer was, 'No'," House said. "So we're just going to keep doing what we're doing and see what happens in the next 24 hours, especially with the debate."
RNC spokesman Sean Spicer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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作者: riseball (飯糰)   2016-10-09 11:13:00
作者: speedup1104 (Confederate)   2016-10-09 11:14:00
然而 從來沒有人譴責這則錄音侵犯了隱私權相關法律
作者: Rune (一切皆如夢似幻。)   2016-10-09 11:14:00
川粉:假的 你眼睛業障重
作者: kimisawa (楊)   2016-10-09 11:15:00
作者: kimo9823   2016-10-09 11:15:00
會投川普的人應該不會接受他這種言論 演戲而已
作者: kimisawa (楊)   2016-10-09 11:16:00
2F加油好嗎... 希拉蕊被側錄時怎麼你不譴責?
作者: j54353 (kk)   2016-10-09 11:16:00
Wikileaks 侵犯隱私權叭叭
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:17:00
作者: leyi12 (.........)   2016-10-09 11:18:00
維基解密有沒有人譴責 北纜
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2016-10-09 11:18:00
除非川普自己不選 不然不可能換的 選票都準備好了
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:18:00
作者: speedup1104 (Confederate)   2016-10-09 11:18:00
作者: ichi2004   2016-10-09 11:19:00
隱私權xD 川普不知道被wikileaks幫了多少
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:20:00
作者: kimisawa (楊)   2016-10-09 11:20:00
作者: woo5566 (無五五六六)   2016-10-09 11:21:00
這個叫公關止血, 不叫衆叛親離
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:22:00
作者: maxisam (偽.強者)   2016-10-09 11:23:00
希拉蕊是在私人的募款場合 被側錄的 一樣是有隱私問題
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:24:00
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2016-10-09 11:25:00
作者: juenren11   2016-10-09 11:31:00

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