Re: [問卦] 有沒有什麼樣的人才會抽煙的八卦

作者: dafuhaw (大富豪)   2016-12-16 21:29:02
: 有沒有什麼樣的人才會抽煙的八卦 據研究,抽煙時IQ可瞬間獲提升達6分,效期約25-60分鐘:
Research shows that tobacco simply increases the brain's capacity for work -
both the speed, endurance and concentration. The effect is also using
nicotine gum and patches, but not nearly the same strength as smoking. The
reason is that when nicotine is inhaled through the smoke, then it hits the
brain quickly & efficiently - in seconds - and gives it a "kick". The effect
lasts for 25-60 minutes. IQ愈低者,煙癮愈重:
A typical 18 to 21-year-old smoker was found to have an IQ of 94, while
non-smokers of the same age averaged 101.
Those who smoked more than a pack a day had particularly low IQs of around
90. An average intelligence IQ score ranges from 84 to 116 points.
Despite similar environmental conditions, non-smoking siblings achieved
higher IQs than their smoking brothers. (尾段) 總結:
The study reflects the predictable fact that there are more smokers among the
less gifted because they are more motivated to increase their intelligence by
means of smoking. The cigarette offers the individual a chance of promotion
to a higher division in intelligence-league - and the opportunity to commit
themselves there.
作者: jplix (R i k a)   2015-12-16 21:29:00
樓下iq = 87
作者: OGCorz (苦艾)   2015-12-16 21:29:00
作者: spartaucs896 (夢醒十分)   2015-12-16 21:29:00
作者: Merkle (你在想奇怪的東西齁)   2016-12-16 21:30:00
跟我當兵時候觀察到的情況差不多 學歷越低的越愛抽
作者: molle   2016-12-16 21:31:00
作者: deep77092   2016-12-16 21:31:00
作者: heavensun   2016-12-16 21:32:00
香吉士 魯夫一行人中IQ最低
作者: clperry4107 (はじめの彼女)   2016-12-16 21:36:00
嗆我老公香吉士 樓上決鬥要是他沒有發現羅賓說謊 沒去開司法島的門 沒破壞雷神船內部 沒及時出現幹掉香蕉鱷魚 草帽他們早就不知道在哪了他根本軍師全團唯一有用腦

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