Governor Abbott Meets Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen In Houston
Governor Greg Abbott today met with Her Excellency, Tsai Ing-wen, President of
the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Houston to discuss energy, trade relations
and commercial ties between Taiwan and the State of Texas.Governor Abbott and
President Tsai discussed ways to increase trade relations with Taiwan, partic
ularly in the exchange of natural gas and agricultural products, of which Taiw
an is a major consumer.Additionally, the two leaders discussed the strong bio
technology sectors in both Texas and Taiwan and the potential for future coope
ration in medical facility development.Governor Abbott and President Tsai con
cluded the meeting by exchanging gifts, with President Tsai receiving a clock
bearing the Texas State Seal and Governor Abbott receiving a Taiwanese vase.
“It was an honor to meet with President Tsai and discuss how our two economie
s can expand upon our already prosperous trade partnership,” said Governor Ab
bott. "Thanks to our favorable regulatory and legal climate, Texas remains and
will continue to be a premier destination for Taiwanese businesses to expand
and thrive. I look forward to strengthening Texas’ bond with Taiwan and conti
nuing my dialogue with President Tsai to create even more opportunity and a be
tter future for our citizens.”
"Texas and Taiwan share longstanding relationship based on trade, investment,
and tourism," said President Tsai. "In 2015, Taiwan was Texas’ 5th largest ex
port market in Asia. Texas has attracted more than US$ 10 billion in investmen
t from Taiwan companies, such as Formosa Plastics, Foxconn, Inventec, and Eva
Air. The edge which Texas holds in energy, biotechnology, smart machinery, and
defense industries overlaps with the 5 major innovative industries which my a
dministration has been promoting in Taiwan. Therefore, I believe there will be
more opportunities for both sides to work even closer in the future."
內文跟我們的護照一樣 用R.O.C(Taiwan)
對面那個China看到後 會不會又是滿地的玻璃