它高於許多發達國家。日本和歐盟設定了20 ppm的限制,加拿大的限制是15 ppm,澳大利
亞只允許0.1 ppm。為什麼我們的國家願意看另一種方式,因為這些公司繼續毒害我們的
: 1.媒體來源:
: http://www.naturalnews.com/
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Taiwan has banned GMOs in school lunches; when will America protect its
: children and do the same?
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: (內文有林淑芬跟吳思華)
: NaturalNews) A recent move by the Taiwanese government serves to illustrate
: just how far behind the rest of the world we are when it comes to the issues
: of food safety and GMOs.
: In December, lawmakers in Taiwan passed an amendment to the School Health Act
: that effectively prohibits both raw GM ingredients and processed foods that
: contain GMOs. It will apply to the food stands and cafeterias in every type
: of school throughout the country, from elementary schools all the way up
: through high school. (RELATED: Read more news about GMOs at GMO.news)
: The ban on GMOs will begin as early as next semester, and it will cost just
: 15 cents (USD) per meal more than the current offerings – a small price to
: pay for the health of a child.
: In the Taiwanese diet, soy is a major ingredient, and it is widely featured
: in school lunches there. In fact, Agri-View reports that the country consumes
: in excess of 8 million bushels of soybeans, 7.2 million of which are GMO
: soybeans coming from the United States.
: The Taiwanese Democratic Progressive Party advocated for the bill’s passage.
: The group’s Lin Shu-fen pointed out that due to their toxic pesticide
: residue, these crops are unsuitable for feeding young children because it
: will negatively impact their psychological and physical health.
: The country’s minister of education, Wu Se-hwa, takes this sentiment one
: step further, encouraging schools to place an emphasis on using produce and
: ingredients that are grown locally.
: Taiwan takes a dim view of GMOs
: Taiwan has long been proactive in protecting its population from the dangers
: of GMOs. Two years ago, they passed the Food Act Amendments that control the
: sale of bioengineered food products. This requires that all foods with more
: than 3 percent GMOs bear a label warning of their GMO content. Meanwhile,
: foods without GMOs can don a GMO-free label. Those that have already begun
: promoting their GMO-free status have noted skyrocketing sales. Non-GMO
: soybean imports in the country grew by 300 percent in 2015 alone.
: In addition, GMO ingredients must be registered with the Taiwanese
: government, and food companies that use such foods must set up a tracking
: system to trace their origins. Strict fines were put in place for violating
: the food safety provisions; the fine is roughly equal to $1.5 million, making
: it a true deterrent rather than mere lip service.
: U.S. legal limits much more relaxed than other developed nations
: In the U.S., the maximum level of glyphosate residue that is legally allowed
: is 30 ppm. This is 300 times higher than Taiwan’s limit. In fact, it’s
: higher than many developed countries. Japan and the EU have set a limit of 20
: ppm, Canada’s limit is 15 ppm and Australia only allows 0.1 ppm. Why is our
: nation willing to look the other way as these companies continue to poison
: our population? The industry’s influence on regulatory agencies is a huge
: factor in this lax approach. Unfortunately, the FDA is also unwilling to take
: action against artificial additives and heavy metals. Many of the
: preservatives permitted in our food have been banned by the EU. Our children
: and our entire nation deserve better than this.
: When will the U.S. get on board and join other nations in cracking down on
: GMOs? Our track record until now is pretty shameful. Monsanto’s influence on
: the government is far-reaching, and hardly any politicians have been willing
: to go on the record and state that GMOs are putting people’s health in
: danger.
: When Donald Trump takes office we could be closer than ever to making real
: progress on this front as he is unlikely to be bought off by Monsanto. He has
: already announced plans to take on Big Pharma and take aim at vaccines, and
: one can only hope that GMOs are also on his to-do list.
: Until then, parents must continue to be vigilant when it comes to the sources
: and contents of the lunches that schools are serving their children. For
: many, this means packing their own lunches, which is the best way to ensure
: kids are eating food that is not only GMO-free but also healthy and
: nutritious.
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: http://tinyurl.com/hx2vvs
: 5.備註:
: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151214/752580/
: 【更新】立院三讀 基改食品禁入校園