angellll (長尾巴的天使)
2017-01-31 09:35:40※ 引述《kusowan (你感受一下)》之銘言:
: 進一步收緊H1b等工作簽證發放範圍
: 川普首席智囊,著名的白人至上主义者Steve Bannon原話:硅谷亞裔CEO太多
: http://tinyurl.com/zssrwtp
: 他的最新指示:白宮內部討論不留文檔
: http://tinyurl.com/gmnd4er
: 遮掉名字你覺得這是哪個國家?
: 米國接下來這幾年自求多福吧
奇怪了 妳拿來反川普的連結裡面不就寫得很清楚川普的態度了?
When someone is going to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Stanford,
all the greats” and then they graduate, “we throw them out of the
country, and they can’t get back in,” Trump said
“I think that’s terrible,” added Trump, who was a regular guest on
the show. “We have to be careful of that, Steve. You know, we have to
keep our talented people in this country.”
川普不同意Bannon的意見 而且很清楚的講了
這不就 常識等級的回答
來台灣念學店的所有外國人 畢業之後直接給永久居留好不好?
你如果覺得有問題 那你在反川普什麼?
快點去機場吧 人真少