※ 引述《mean (您的好友智商已退出隊伍)》之銘言:
他的想法有如, 國民黨來到台灣後, 因為當地台灣人反抗國民黨因而流亡,
完全沒有搞清楚, 是誰主動入侵別人家園的,誰的武器比較強大,
講白一點, 直接說 我有槍,不臣服我我就給你死比較快!
這猶如 當初日本在台灣的理番政策一樣。 人家日本還會道歉與平息。
可悲的是, 中國人不敢公開批評 64民運及文革/大飢荒,自己人殺自己人,
死了數千萬中國人, 中國人你們敢批評共產黨,請它們承認並道歉這些歷史事件嗎
: 隨便翻譯幾則
: Eric Zhao It's is so embarrassing to see this "spiritual leader" who wants to
: split China is going to make a speech at commencement in front of hundreds of
: Chinese students. I am also disappointed with the fact that our school
: actually invites a political figure while ignoring the controversy behind him.
: 超尷尬
: 這個實際上在分裂中國的"精神領袖"
: 要來對數百名中國學生進行演講?
: UCSD不顧背後的爭議 邀請政治人物
: 令我失望
: Clif Pottberg I don't have a problem one way or another with Tibet or the
: Dalai Lama, but I absolutely understand the reaction of Chinese international
: students.
: I'm surprised that none of you know about the fact that the CIA trained,
: funded and supplied weapons to Tibetan rebels from the early 1950's through
: the early 1970's. The US Government trained and used the Tibetan army to
: fight a proxy war against the People's Liberation Army of China using
: guerrilla tactics similar in nature to the "freedom fighters" (ie terrorist
: units) that we funded in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba, etc etc
: over the last fifty years to fight proxy wars with Russia.
: The Chinese view Tibet like y'all view Islamic Jihadists. How are you humxns
: not more educated about this?
: 我對西藏或達賴喇嘛沒什麼特別想法
: 但我能理解中國國際學生的反應
: 你們居然沒人知道CIA在50-70年代提供訓練 武器與資金
: 支持西藏的反抗運動
: 美國藉由扶植西藏軍隊 對抗中國政府
: 就像50年以來在利比亞 敘利亞 伊拉克 伊朗 阿富汗 古巴
: 扶植軍隊對抗蘇聯一樣
: 中國人看西藏就像我們看伊斯蘭聖戰士一樣
: 這些你們都沒學過嗎ww
: Crystal Pu As a student who's from the Greater Tibet Region (Qinghai