takase (............)
2017-02-10 13:39:44現在的狀況蠻詭異的,剛才有印象看到白宮新聞稿
"President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping of China had a
lengthy telephone conversation on Thursday evening.
The two leaders discussed numerous topics and President Trump agreed,
at the request of President Xi, to honor our "one China" policy"
"Representatives of the United States and China will engage in discussions
and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest.
The phone call between President Trump and President Xi was extremely
cordial, and both leaders extended best wishes to the people of each other's
They also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries.
President Trump and President Xi look forward to further talks with
very successful outcomes."
大概不脫前面 新任國務卿提勒森的說法
一中政策保持不變 三公報,臺灣關係法,六項保證這樣....