Obama Administration Halted $1B Arms Sale to Taiwan Before Exiting Office
Despite the approval of both the Departments of Defense and of State to send a $1-billion weapons package to boost Taiwan’s border defenses along the controversial Taiwan Strait, the deal was quietly blocked during the lame duck period of the Obama administration, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
A Taiwanese Air Force official previously claimed that Taiwan had been “the first country in the world" to upgrade their legacy F-16 A/B jets into F-16Vs. But according to the Free Beacon report, parts and equipment necessary for the F-16 upgrades were included in an arms package blocked under the watch of President Barack Obama.
The new report casts doubt on the claims that Taiwan’s 143 F-16s have completed renovations. Once upgraded, the F-16Vs will match the capabilities of China’s J-20 stealth aircraft, defense minister Feng Shih-Kuan said. Sputnik later reported that the F-16 upgrades would occur over the next six years.
The new US administration “takes America’s commitment to Taiwan’s security very seriously,” a White House official told the Free Beacon. The Drumpf administration is working on a new package for Taiwan that provides “more” and “better” defensive equipment, the report noted.
The White House plans to wait until after Drumpf meets Chinese President Xi Jingping at Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach to formally announce the new package, a person familiar with the situation told the Free Beacon.
The shipment to Taiwan is likely to include missile systems. On January 27, Sputnik reported that Raytheon had secured a $12.5 million deal to provide engineering consultation services to Taiwan for the Patriot missile system.
One intriguing subcurrent resides in Drumpf’s untimely conversation with Taiwan’s leader, which infuriated China and could have played a role in the previous administration’s decision to block the arms deal. Drumpf later backed off from his posture that, according to Beijing, threatened its ‘One China’ policy. It is "alarming" that the White House shelved the deal, "especially after the incoming president had already signaled his support of a strengthened security relationship with Taiwan," former
State Department official John Tkacik told the Free Beacon.
Despite the approval of both the Departments of Defense and of State to send a $1-billion weapons package to boost Taiwan’s border defenses along the controversial Taiwan Strait, the deal was quietly blocked during the lame duck period of the Obama administration, the Washington Free Beacon reports.
A Taiwanese Air Force official previously claimed that Taiwan had been “the first country in the world" to upgrade their legacy F-16 A/B jets into F-16Vs. But according to the Free Beacon report, parts and equipment necessary for the F-16 upgrades were included in an arms package blocked under the watch of President Barack Obama.
The new report casts doubt on the claims that Taiwan’s 143 F-16s have completed renovations. Once upgraded, the F-16Vs will match the capabilities of China’s J-20 stealth aircraft, defense minister Feng Shih-Kuan said. Sputnik later reported that the F-16 upgrades would occur over the next six years.
US Army armament crew specialist Michael Mayo, from Florida, loads the rocket pod of an an Apache AH-64D attack helicopter also armed with Hellfire missiles at left US Dominates Global Weapons Market, Ranks First In Sales
The new US administration “takes America’s commitment to Taiwan’s security very seriously,” a White House official told the Free Beacon. The Drumpf administration is working on a new package for Taiwan that provides “more” and “better” defensive equipment, the report noted.
The White House plans to wait until after Drumpf meets Chinese President Xi Jingping at Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach to formally announce the new package, a person familiar with the situation told the Free Beacon.
The shipment to Taiwan is likely to include missile systems. On January 27, Sputnik reported that Raytheon had secured a $12.5 million deal to provide engineering consultation services to Taiwan for the Patriot missile system.
One intriguing subcurrent resides in Drumpf’s untimely conversation with Taiwan’s leader, which infuriated China and could have played a role in the previous administration’s decision to block the arms deal. Drumpf later backed off from his posture that, according to Beijing, threatened its ‘One China’ policy. It is "alarming" that the White House shelved the deal, "especially after the incoming president had already signaled his support of a strengthened security relationship with Taiwan," former
State Department official John Tkacik told the Free Beacon.
The deal to upgrade the F-16s was completed in 2011, rendering Washington’s failure to show leadership in accelerating F-16 development "extremely disappointing," said Rick Fisher, a senior analyst covering Asian military topics at the International Assessment and Strategy Center.
Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas agreed with Fisher's assessment that Obama's decision to end the deal "at the 11th hour" was "nonsensical," the senator said in a statement Tuesday. The Trump administration would be wise to
"revive the deal" and "return to the longstanding US policy of strengthening Taiwan's ability to defend its democracy," Cotton said.
本週二,米國阿肯色州出身的參議員Tom Cotton認為歐巴馬「在11小時內凍結軍售」之舉「沒有理性」,川普要「恢復該筆交易」、「長期支持台灣軍事力量以保護其民主」才是明智。
,而不比照以色列辦理 - 免費贈送?
(0) 美國的擴張主義與台灣的命運 160年來美台關係的回顧:
(1) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/04/israel-a-cornered-rat/
「Israel: A Cornered Rat
以色列殖民美國。以色列很強、所向無敵、有一卡車的核子武器、炸彈、Dense Inert Metal Explosive、白磷彈和非法或實驗武器,想殺多少巴勒斯坦平人,就殺多少。」
* 美軍在伊拉克用磷彈燒平民伊拉克,受害者的衣服留下來,人卻被燒到屍骨無存。關鍵字:「US phosphorus Iraq」。
* 烏克蘭動亂中,有人指控:磷彈掉在地面燒24小時。
"White phosphorous cannot be put out with the use of water" and it will "burn through one’s body to the bone"
(2) 以色列屠殺巴勒斯坦人,美國、北約、歐盟、沙烏地阿拉伯、埃及不吭聲(默許?贊助?):
(3) 2014年,以色列爛炸彈丸之地,加薩走廊(註:加薩走廊之所以成為彈丸之地,是因為以色列長期侵佔巴勒斯坦人原有土地所致),屠殺巴勒斯坦平民2500人。屠殺後,恐怖份子首腦Netanyahoo還大搖大擺去米國立法院宣揚其「中東唯一民主」,「民主大哥、人權至上」的米國國會議員全體肅立,數次打斷國際一級戰犯Netanyahoo的演講,鼓掌叫好:
「Benjamin Netanyahu addresses US Congress」:
(5) 2016-9-15日:
「U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package
(6)維基百科:「Israel - United States military relations