[新聞] 墨西哥法官判性侵無罪 因為他未"享受"

作者: i329 (殺刀豬)   2017-03-29 23:06:07
Mexican man cleared in sexual assault of schoolgirl because he didn't 'enjoy'
Diego Cruz, 21, one of four privileged youths dubbed ‘Los Porkys’ who
abducted and vaginally penetrated the teenager, did so without ‘carnal intent
’ a judge ruled
21歲的Diego Cruz是四個獲得特權的其中的一位被稱作"Los Porkys",他綁架並穿透一個
David Agren in Mexico City Wednesday 29 March 2017 00.01 BST
A Mexican judge has freed a wealthy young man accused of abducting and
sexually assaulting a schoolgirl, on the grounds that the perpetrator did not
enjoy himself.
Diego Cruz, 21, was one of four young men from prominent families in the
coastal state of Veracruz who were nicknamed “Los Porkys” on social media
after they were accused of seizing a classmate from their elite private
school as she left a New Year’s party on 1 January 2015.
21歲的Diego Cruz是事件中的四個年輕人之一,他來自Veracruz沿海地區一個名聲顯赫的
家庭,在事件爆發後,被媒體暱稱為"Los Porkys",他們被控告在被害人離開2015年於他
In a ruling which was made public on Monday, Judge Anuar González found that
although Cruz was accused of touching the victim’s breasts and penetrating
her with his fingers, he had acted without “carnal intent” – and so was
not guilty of assault.
裁決在星期一公開,法官Anuar González認為Cruz有出摸被害人的胸部並且指姦她,但他
González also found that although the victim, who was 17 at the time, was
forced into the car of one of her alleged attackers, she was never “helpless
”. Two of the other three suspects are accused of penetrating the victim.
The release of Cruz – who had fled to Spain, but was extradited back to
Mexico – has prompted outrage among human rights activists, and marked a new
low point in a case that has reinforced the perception that those with money
and political connections are above the law.
“He sexually touched her, but because he didn’t enjoy it, it’s not sexual
abuse?” said Estefanía Vela Barba, an activist on gender issues.
性別議題活動家Estefanía Vela Barba說:"他以性的方式碰觸了她,但他不喜歡,所以它
“Since there was no pleasure in the act, it was intended to cause
humiliation. They were touching her, they were bothering her, so for the
judge, if the intention wasn’t pleasure, it’s not sexual assault,” said
Vela, who works in the legal studies department at the Centre for Teaching
and Research in Economics.
“There’s no disputing the facts. It’s not some crazy woman saying this, it
’s coming from the judge’s mouth and he’s saying that if they touch you
against your will, it might not be abuse.”
The case of Los Porkys has provoked widespread indignation in Mexico, not
least because it took place in the coastal state of Veracruz, which over
recent months has come to symbolize the failure of the Mexican state to
guarantee even a semblance of the rule of law.
這起Los Porkys事件引起了廣泛的群眾憤怒,特別是因為他發生在Veracruz沿岸地區,近
Amid an escalating battle between rival crime factions, thousands of women
have gone missing in the state; earlier this month, more than 250 human
skulls were discovered at what is believed to be a clandestine drug cartel
burial ground. Meanwhile, the state’s former governor Javier Duarte is on
the run amid allegations that he stole vast amounts of public money.
頭骨在一個據信是隱密的販毒集團墓地中被發現。同時,前州長Javier Duarte正在被控告
The case of Los Porkys has also been held up as an example of the rampant
impunity allowed the offspring of Mexico’s elite. Fifteen months after the
attack, the victim described her ordeal in a public Facebook post, in an
apparent attempt to shame authorities into taking action.
Los Porkys的案子已經被認為是一個典型的包庇墨西哥菁英後裔的有罪不罰的例子。在案
“I have nothing to repent,” she wrote. “I’ve gone drinking. I’ve gone to
parties. I’ve worn short skirts like many girls my age … and for that I’m
going to be judged? For that I deserved what happened?”
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