※ 引述《unique681 (tw)》之銘言:
: 砲彈還是飛彈發射的時候一定會喊口號
: 像臺灣國軍按下開關都會喊
: 發射了!!!
: 那美軍發射戰斧
: 按按鈕的時候喊什麼?
Alright, I got the launch keys.
Overlord, this is Metal 0-1. I send checkpoint Neptune,over.
Roger 0-1,cpoy Neptune.
I have the missile key and I'm acessing the launch codes now.
Grid coordinates follow: Tango Whiskey 0 5 6 6 2 8.
Coordinates confirmed! Firing on Russian fleet in 30 seconds!
Frost, get on the console!
(Hold F to use)
3,2,1, Turn!
Overlord, missiles armed and launching!
Roger. SEAL team is in position for exfil.