Re: [新聞] 川普:韓國是中國的一部分 南韓政府:抗議

作者: a71085 (iii)   2017-04-19 21:10:22
※ 引述《skyyo (專注)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《NKTcell (NKTcell)》之銘言:
: : 川普如果只是他爽 口誤說說就算了
: : 如果他是故意說的話 他的確有點城府 也算高智商的
: : 他在藉由這句話諷刺 中國三不五時就在說台灣是中國的一部分
: : 如果是真的這樣的話
: : 他也明確在傳達訊息給習近平 他壓根不認為台灣是屬於中國
: 川普如果只是他爽 口誤說說就算了
: 如果他是故意說的話 他的確有點城府 也算高智商的
: 他在藉由這句話暗示 中國跟他合作 愛把韓國收走他也接受
: 如果是真的這樣的話
: 他也明確在傳達訊息給習近平 他壓根不打算為了台灣跟中國翻臉
He then went into the history of China and Korea. Not North Korea, Korea. And
you know, you’re talking about thousands of years …and many wars. And Korea
actually used to be a part of China. And after listening for 10 minutes I
realized that not — it’s not so easy. You know I felt pretty strongly that
they have — that they had a tremendous power over China. I actually do think
they do have an economic power, and they have certainly a border power to an
extent, but they also — a lot of goods come in. But it’s not what you would
think. It’s not what you would think.
And Korea actually used to be a part of China.
We have tremendous trade deficits with everybody, but the big one is with
China. It’s hundreds of billions of dollars of year for many many years. And
I told them. I said you know, we’re not going to let that go ahead. Now, I
did say — but you want to make a great deal? Solve the problem in North
Korea. That’s worth having deficits. And that’s worth having not as good a
trade deal as I would normally be able to make. OK, I’ll make great deals.
這段主要是談到 中國如果願意一起處理北韓問題 川普願意在經濟方面開門
You cannot allow a country like that [North Korea] to have nuclear power,
nuclear weapons. That’s mass destruction. And he doesn’t have the delivery
systems yet, but he — you know he will.
So, you know we [Trump and Xi] have a very open dialogue on North Korea. We
have a very good relationship, we have great chemistry together. We like each
other, I like him a lot. I think his wife is terrific. And you know, it’s
very rare that he comes and stays with somebody and spends that much time.
最後一段就幾乎是屁話了 沒啥必要看
作者: all0pha765 (765)   2017-04-19 21:11:00
"used to be a part of China"=曾經是
作者: EXIONG (E雄)   2017-04-19 21:11:00
我先理你 你這清流我看有多少人會理你
作者: salvador1988 (Mr.Owl)   2017-04-19 21:12:00
作者: Aquatics (小哈)   2017-04-19 21:12:00
作者: Wilkie (gonna fly high)   2017-04-19 21:13:00
作者: Cybershit (BMI<18der肥宅)   2017-04-19 21:13:00
作者: Becuzlove (阿嗚阿嗚阿嗚嗚~)   2017-04-19 21:13:00
就知道又是翻譯有問題= =
作者: maxmessi (maxmaxmessi)   2017-04-19 21:14:00
作者: kenro   2017-04-19 21:15:00
作者: gotohikaru (又沒差...)   2017-04-19 21:16:00
5F說的對+1 原PO去韓網看看就知道他們在不爽啥
作者: meowyih (meowyih)   2017-04-19 21:16:00
那習近平在歐洲訪問時, 也可以說一句大部分歐洲都曾是中國的一部分看看, 外交場合還在吃人家豆腐, 果然強國心態
作者: bantw (美樹さやか)   2017-04-19 21:18:00
作者: a71085 (iii)   2017-04-19 21:19:00
都有人拿漢朝的地圖出來了 千年前歷史就曾是這樣不過習拿這點出來說感覺有在想表達 我們現在強了 我們也要開始往外拓展 這是不可避免的川普在下面就有補充說當時的經濟強權能夠讓他去拓展
作者: guogu   2017-04-19 21:30:00
作者: Anvec (鄉民)   2017-04-19 21:33:00
坦白講 習川會一堆荒腔走板的東西 然後一直被台灣的某些人
作者: holioholio (holio)   2017-04-19 21:33:00
韓國哪時是中國一部份? 那中國才曾是蒙古的一部份吧
作者: Anvec (鄉民)   2017-04-19 21:34:00
一直追捧 正的講 反的講 就是要追捧
作者: dan310546 (00)   2017-04-19 21:34:00
作者: a71085 (iii)   2017-04-19 21:38:00
標題就翻譯錯誤 這叫沒小錯喔?外國的korea沒像中文分朝鮮或韓國 不過內文一對照下去就是在說朝鮮 你要不要去翻一下上面幾串的漢朝地圖如果說漢滅朝鮮或者唐代都護府都不算統治 那大概就不算吧

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