MS-13 gang: The story behind one of the world's most brutal street gangs
世界上最兇殘的幫派 - MS-13 背後的故事
The latest was a mass murder on Monday on Long Island, where the bodies of
four males, including three teenagers, were found mangled in the woods,
according to police.
President Trump tweeted to call the gang "bad". Attorney General Jeff
Sessions vowed to "devastate" it. Both blamed Obama-era immigration policy
for its rise.
But what is MS-13 and is Obama really to blame?
A reputation for extreme violence
The gang began in the barrios of East Los Angeles in LA during the 1980s,
formed by immigrants who had fled El Salvador's long and brutal civil war.
Other members came from Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico.
The MS stands for Mara Salvatrucha, said to be a combination of Mara, meaning
gang, Salva, for Salvador, and trucha, which translates roughly into street
smarts. The 13 represents the position of M in the alphabet.
MS-13 established a reputation for extreme violence and for killing with
machetes. It took root in neighbourhoods dominated by Mexican gangs, and
later expanded to other parts of the country.
According to the FBI, the gang has spread to 46 states.
In 2012, the US Treasury designated the gang a "transnational criminal
organisation". It was the first street gang to receive the dubious honour,
placing it alongside much larger international cartels like the Mexican
Zetas, Japanese Yakuza and Italian Camorra.
Brutal initiations
MS-13 has been accused of recruiting poor and at-risk teenagers. Joining is
said to require being "jumped in" - subjected to a vicious 13-second beating
- and "getting wet" - carrying out a crime, often a murder, for the gang.
Leaving is potentially even more dangerous. Large chest tattoos brand members
for life, and some factions are said to murder members who attempt to leave.
A 2008 FBI threat assessment put the size of MS-13 between 6,000 and 10,000
members in the US, making it one of the largest criminal enterprises in the
It is now larger outside the country, according to the agency. An anti-gang
crackdown in the late 1990s saw hundreds of early members shipped back to
Central American countries, where they established offshoots. Estimates put
the number of members in Central American countries at at least 60,000.
The gang's annual revenue is about $31.2m (£23.4m) according to information
from a large-scale Salvadorean police operation obtained by the El Faro
newspaper - mainly from from drugs and extortion.
'Kill, rape, control'
Recent high-profile cases linked to the gang include the murder of two female
high-school students who were attacked with a machete and baseball bat as
they walked through their neighbourhood in New York last month - a revenge
attack over a minor dispute, according to police.
Four alleged MS-13 members were charged with that crime. Another two alleged
members were charged at the same time with the murder of a fellow gang member
said to have violated gang protocol.
The same month, two alleged members of the gang in Houston, Texas were
charged with kidnapping three teenage girls, holding them hostage and raping
them before shooting one dead on the side of the road.
Miguel Alvarez-Flores, 22, and Diego Hernandez-Rivera, 18, laughed and waved
at the cameras during their court appearance.
MS-13's motto is "kill, rape, control", according to one FBI gang specialist
who investigated the group.
Blaming Obama
Mr Trump and Mr Sessions have pointed the finger at former President Barack
Obama over the spread of MS-13, alleging that his open-door immigration
policies fuelled its growth.
But the gang formed and flourished in the US long before Mr Obama came to
power. MS-13 was identified as a significant threat in the 1990s, and a
special FBI taskforce was convened against the gang in 1994.
The big surge was during Bush-Cheney when the drivers of illegal migration in
Central America grew, when various crackdowns on crime filled prisons to
bursting point, and when funding for rehabilitation programs declined,"
Fulton T Armstrong, a research fellow at the Center for Latin American and
Latino Studies at American University, told fact-checking website Politifact.
"I have seen no evidence that the Obama administration can be blamed in any
way for the existence or activities of the gang in the US," said Ioan Grillo,
author of a book on US gang crime.
The Obama administration also prioritised the deportation of gang criminals,
including MS-13 members, in an aggressive deportation program.
Politifact rated Mr Trump's claim as false.
美國當地時間的周一,在加州長島地區發生了一件謀殺案. 根據警方說法,死者為四名男性
- 其中三名為青少年, 全都在竹林中被亂刀砍死.
美國總統川普也在推特稱此幫派的行為 - 'bad'(壞壞), 也連同了美國檢察總長將其
MS-13 最令人惡名昭彰的就是其極為暴力的犯罪
此幫派出生在1980年代東洛杉磯的社區, 主要成員為當時逃離薩爾瓦多其長期及暴力
的內戰的游擊隊員以及其幫派前身 La Mara,其他成員則分別來自宏都拉斯, 瓜地馬拉
MS分別代表著 Mara Salvatrucha. Mara 即是幫派(gang), Salva 則是薩爾瓦多
如果rucha加在薩爾瓦多後面,則有"常保警覺" 或是受過訓練成為游擊隊員的薩爾瓦多人.
MS-13 在幫派中創造出其極為暴力的形象- 以大砍刀來進行暴力犯罪.
https://goo.gl/srgb13 (如果你google MS-13 machete 你可能會嚇到....)
美國財政部在2012年正式頒布MS-13為一個跨國犯罪組織. 也是第一個街頭幫派可以獲得
如此大型的頭銜,與世界其他大幫派齊名- 日本的Yakuza(譬如著名的山口組),
位於南義那不勒斯的Camorra黑手黨, 以及惡名昭彰的墨西哥Zetas.
MS-13也被重度批評其招收貧窮及具有高犯罪風險的青少年. 加入此幫派需要經歷
兩個門檻- 1.jumped in - 遭受13秒的暴力毆打
2.getting wet - 進行犯罪, 通常是為了幫派去謀殺他人.
但是想要離開此幫派是重度危險的事情. 在MS-13成員胸前常常有的刺青,
表明了 意思是一日MS-13 終生MS-13, 所以成員也會殺害那些意圖離開幫派的成員.
2008年FBI 評估了MS-13的成員在美國約在6000-10000人左右,也成為美國本土最大
的犯罪團體. 但是在美國境外,MS-13的人數更為驚人, 依照估計現在中美洲約有
幫派的年收益大約為3100萬美金,根據薩爾瓦多當地報紙報導警方的說法- 其幫派收益
主要來自敲詐勒索 以及毒品販賣.
近期較為眾人皆知的犯罪事件是發生在紐約, 兩個女高中生在走過一些neighborhood
時突然被幫派成員持大砍刀及棒球棍襲擊. 此事件中四個幫派成員被捕, 但是另外還有
兩個幫派成員同時被逮捕, 其原因是砍殺一個違反幫派規定的前幫派成員.
同一個月, 在達拉斯當地的三名MS-13成員被捕, 原因是綁架了三名女孩,挾持並
強暴, 再將其中一名女孩射殺後丟棄在路邊.
MS-13的座右銘為- kill, rape, control
而歐巴馬上台後對於幫派組織的成員包括MS-13 進行優先驅逐出境,所以歐巴馬的移民
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