※ 引述《KillerD (殺手D)》之銘言:
: 資料來源:https://goo.gl/zjJK4p
: Missing Taiwanese couple found: man alive, woman dead
: - Post Report, Kathmandu
: Apr 26, 2017- A Taiwan couple has been found 50 days after they went missing.
在失蹤50天後 一對台灣情侶終於被找到惹
: The man was found alive while the woman was found dead, it has been learnt.
發現時 男的活著 女的已死
: Liang Sheng-yu and Liu Chen-chun, who had stayed at a home-stay in Lawadung
: of Tipling for three days till March 8, 2017, had gone for trekking in the
: Dhading district through the Kathmandu-based Asian Trekking Pvt. Ltd.
: They were last seen at Pangsang in Rasuwa on March 9.
: Various parts of the district had witnessed heavy snowfall the same day when
: the couple went missing.
: It has been learnt that the couple had fallen from the Tyagrobhir following
: the snowfall while they were trying to descend to the Somdang Valley.
: The woman’s mother and the man’s father had also arrived in Nepal to search
: for them.
離開Somdang Valley時剛好下起大雪
女的媽 男的爸 都到當地尋找(等待)
: The man’s father had also chartered a chopper to search for the missing
: couple.
: The trekking agency had deployed four guides to search for the missing couple.
: The guides with the help of local Nepali Congress Tipling President Dawa
: Thapa had found them from the Somdang Valley.
最後是在失蹤的Somdang Valley被雪巴頭頭找到
: Published: 26-04-2017 16:11
: http://bit.ly/2phH5Tu
: 英文不好,誰來翻一下...
: 男的活下來,女的死了...R.I.P