leutk (下雨天)
2017-05-04 15:21:36目前根據BBC最新的報導是
BBC皇室聯絡人Peter Hunt證實兩老都還活著
這種皇室的內部集會, 每年都會發生
※ 引述《leutk (下雨天)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: www.news.com.au
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Queen Elizabeth’s entire staff called to ‘highly unusual’ emergency
: meeting at Buckingham Palace
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: QUEEN Elizabeth II’s entire staff from across the United Kingdom has been
: summoned to an emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace in London today,
: according to reports.
: Servants will be addressed by the Royal Household’s most senior officer Lord
: Chamberlain and Her Majesty’s Private Secretary Sir Christopher Geidt in
: just hours.
: The meeting, called suddenly and described as highly unusual by royal
: watchers, has sent Britain’s rumour mill into a concerned frenzy.
: It’s currently the middle of the night in London. More details are expected
: around 5pm AEST.
: There is speculation that the announcement is to do with either the Queen or
: her husband the Duke of Edinburgh’s health.
: Social media has erupted in panic with many offering theories about the
: announcement, from abdication to far more serious issues.
: The Mirror reports that even the most trusted of staff have been left in the
: cold as to what the meeting will be about.
: 簡單翻譯就是說
: 根據澳洲的媒體表示, 英國女皇的職員們被緊急的招回白金漢宮
: 這個舉動是非比尋常的
: 這個報導撥出時, 英國是半夜
: 目前推測是, 不是女皇快要.......就是他老公快要.........
: 不過目前為止, 白金漢宮還沒降半旗
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://goo.gl/012K43
: 5.備註:
: 最老的王子終於可以在活著的時候登基成為國王了嗎?
: 不過目前尚未證實任何事情囉
: 看晚一點會不會有澄清或是確認