newwords (boombastic)
2017-05-06 21:33:16※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板 #1P3S_mc8 ]
作者: newwords (raven) 看板: ask
標題: Fw: [問題] 水素水是否全為詐騙還是裏面有真的?
時間: Sat May 6 21:30:23 2017
※ [本文轉錄自 Bunco 看板 #1P3S_cCi ]
作者: newwords (raven) 看板: Bunco
標題: [問題] 水素水是否全為詐騙還是裏面有真的?
時間: Sat May 6 21:30:10 2017
Acute oxidative stress induced by ischemia-reperfusion or inflammation causes
serious damage to tissues, and persistent oxidative stress is accepted as one
of the causes of many common diseases including cancer. We show here that
hydrogen (H2) has potential as an antioxidant in preventive and therapeutic
applications. We induced acute oxidative stress in cultured cells by three
independent methods. H2 selectively reduced the hydroxyl radical, the most
cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and effectively protected cells;
however, H2 did not react with other ROS, which possess physiological roles.
We used an acute rat model in which oxidative stress damage was induced in
the brain by focal ischemia and reperfusion. The inhalation of H2 gas
markedly suppressed brain injury by buffering the effects of oxidative
stress. Thus H2 can be used as an effective antioxidant therapy; owing to its
ability to rapidly diffuse across membranes, it can reach and react with
cytotoxic ROS and thus protect against oxidative damage.