Re: [問卦] 消滅所有文組,台灣可以前進八大工業國嗎

作者: pinkowa (pinkowa)   2017-05-14 11:50:45
※ 引述《cgi0911 (勝者的迷思)》之銘言:
: 前個禮拜博士答辯完,我跟女朋友開車去上州玩了一趟。回程的時候
: 路過在Hyde Park 小羅斯福總統的故居博物館參觀。
: 我看完以後頗有感觸。
: 近幾年台灣一直有種理論叫「文組誤國」,尤其像我這種純純正正理
: 工宅男血統的人,難免都會有瞧不起文組的本位主義。但是,看完小
: 羅斯福總統生平的相關展示以後,給我不小的觀念衝擊。
The battle of Smoot-Hawley
Dec 18th 2008| From The Economist print edition
A cautionary tale about how a protectionist measure opposed by all
right-thinking people was passed
Library of Congress
EVEN when desperate, Wall Street bankers are not given to grovelling. But in
June 1930 Thomas Lamont, a partner at J.P. Morgan, came close. 「I almost
went down on my knees to beg Herbert Hoover to veto the asinine Hawley-Smoot
Tariff,」 he recalled. 「That Act intensified nationalism all over the world.

就算絕望,華爾街銀行家也不會卑躬屈膝。不過摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)合伙人托馬斯
‧拉蒙特(Thomas Lamont)1930年6月差點就這麼做了。「我幾乎要跪下來懇求赫伯特‧
胡佛(Herbert Hoover)否決其蠢無比的《斯姆特-霍利關稅法案》,」他回憶道,「就
According to David Kennedy, an historian, Lamont was 「usually an influential
economic adviser」 to the American president. Not this time. Hoover signed
the bill on June 17th: 「the tragic-comic finale」, said that week’s
Economist, 「to one of the most amazing chapters in world tariff history…one
that Protectionist enthusiasts the world over would do well to study.」
The Tariff Act of 1930, which increased nearly 900 American import duties,
was debated, passed and signed as the world was tumbling into the Depression.
Its sponsors—Willis Hawley, a congressman from Oregon, and Reed Smoot, a
senator from Utah—have come to personify the economic isolationism of the
era. Sixty-three years later, in a television debate on the North American
Free-Trade Agreement, Al Gore, then vice-president, even presented his
unamused anti-NAFTA opponent, Ross Perot, with a framed photograph of the
pair. Now, with the world economy in perhaps its worst pickle since the
Depression, the names of Hawley and Smoot are cropping up again.
議員威利斯‧霍利(Willis Hawley)和猶他州參議員里德‧斯穆特(Reed Smoot)成了
時任副總統的戈爾(Al Gore)甚至把這兩人的裝裱畫像展示給反北美自由貿易協定的競
爭對手羅斯‧佩羅(Ross Perot)看,當然佩羅不覺得好笑。現在,世界經濟正處於大蕭
In fact, few economists think the Smoot-Hawley tariff (as it is most often
known) was one of the principal causes of the Depression. Worse mistakes were
made, largely out of a misplaced faith in the gold standard and balanced
budgets. America’s tariffs were already high, and some other countries were
already increasing their own.
Nevertheless, the act added poison to the emptying well of global trade (see
chart). The worldwide protection of the 1930s took decades to dismantle. And
bad monetary and fiscal policies were at least based on the economic
orthodoxy of the day: economists would tear each other apart over the
heresies of John Maynard Keynes. On protection, there was no such division.
More than a thousand economists petitioned Hoover not to sign the
Smoot-Hawley bill. Bankers like Lamont sided with them; so did editorialists
by the score.
濟學正統觀念(彼時經濟學家還在為約翰‧梅納德‧凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的
Nevertheless, the act added poison to the emptying well of global trade (see
chart). The worldwide protection of the 1930s took decades to dismantle. And
bad monetary and fiscal policies were at least based on the economic
orthodoxy of the day: economists would tear each other apart over the
heresies of John Maynard Keynes. On protection, there was no such division.
More than a thousand economists petitioned Hoover not to sign the
Smoot-Hawley bill. Bankers like Lamont sided with them; so did editorialists
by the score.
濟學正統觀念(彼時經濟學家還在為約翰‧梅納德‧凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的
The 「asinine」 bill began as a much smaller beast: the plan was to help
American agriculture, which had slumped in the early 1920s. Congress passed
several bills to support prices and subsidise exports, but all were vetoed by
Calvin Coolidge, Hoover’s predecessor. With no obvious logic—most American
farmers faced little competition from imports—attention shifted to securing
for agriculture the same sort of protection as for manufacturing, where
tariffs were on average twice as high. To many of its supporters, 「tariff
equality」 meant reducing industrial duties as well as raising those on farm
goods. 「But so soon as ever the tariff schedules were cast into the
melting-pot of revision,」 this newspaper wrote, 「logrollers and politicians
set to work stirring with all their might.」
卡爾文‧科立芝(Calvin Coolidge)否決了。儘管多數美國農場主很少面臨來自進口品
Start rolling
In the 1928 election campaign Hoover and his fellow Republicans promised to
revise the tariff. The Democrats, then the freer-trading party, were
unusually acquiescent. After comfortable Republican wins in November, Hawley,
the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, set to work. By the time
Hoover was inaugurated in March 1929 and called a special session of Congress
to tackle the tariff, his committee had gathered 43 days』, five nights』 and
11,000 pages』 worth of testimony. The door was open to more than just
farmers; Hawley’s committee heard mainly from small and medium-sized
industrial businesses.
,卻反常地沉默。共和黨11月輕鬆取勝後,眾議院籌款委員會(House Ways and Means
農場主, 委員會還訪問並聽取了中小型工業企業的意見。
The House bill, passed in May, raised 845 tariff rates and cut 82. Douglas
Irwin, an economist at Dartmouth and author of a forthcoming book (「The
Battle over Protection: A History of US Trade Policy」) on which this article
draws heavily, says it 「tilted the tariff nearly as much toward higher
duties on manufactured goods as it increased duties on agricultural imports.」
特茅斯學院(Dartmouth)經濟學家道格拉斯‧厄文(Douglas Irwin)認為,該法案「確
文的新書《貿易保護之戰:美國貿易政策史》(」The Battle over Protection: A
History of US Trade Policy」) 即將出版,本文亦從中借鑑良多。
The bill then went to the Senate, where Smoot chaired the Finance Committee.
Senators who thought their constituents had lost out in the House—from
farming and mining states—were spoiling for a fight. Smoot’s committee
increased 177 rates from the House version and cut 254. In the next committee
stage—which lasted from the autumn of 1929 until March 1930—the whole
Senate could take part. Farming- and mining-state senators pruned Hawley’s
increases in industrial tariffs.
法案隨即遞交參院討論,斯姆特時任參院金融委員會(the Finance Committee)主席。
In the last Senate stage, senators from industrial states regrouped,
fortified by the gathering economic gloom. 「A different voting coalition
emerged,」 says Mr Irwin, 「not one based on agricultural versus industrial
interests but on classic vote-trading among unrelated goods.」 Some senators
disapproved: Robert LaFollette, a Republican from Wisconsin, called the bill
「the product of a series of deals, conceived in secret, but executed in
public with a brazen effrontery that is without parallel in the annals of the
和黨人Robert LaFollette把法案稱作「一系列交易的產物,這些交易於私下裡偷偷達成
Others saw nothing wrong. Charles Waterman, a Republican from Colorado,
declared: 「I have stated…that, by the eternal, I will not vote for a tariff
upon the products of another state if the senators from that state vote
against protecting the industries of my state.」 The tariff’s critics—
including Franklin Roosevelt, in his presidential campaign in 1932—dubbed
the bill the 「Grundy tariff」, after Joseph Grundy, a Republican senator
from Pennsylvania and president of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers』
Association. Grundy had said that anyone who made campaign contributions was
entitled to higher tariffs in return.
其他人並不覺得這麼做有什麼問題。科羅拉多州參議員共和黨人Charles Waterman宣稱:
Franklin Roosevelt),把這項法案稱為「Grundy關稅法(Grundy tariff)」。「
Grundy」是賓夕法尼亞州參議員兼賓夕法尼亞製造者協會(Pennsylvania Manufacturers
』 Association)主席、共和黨人Joseph Grundy的姓。Grundy曾經說過,只要為競選捐
The Senate’s final bill contained no fewer than 1,253 changes from the House
’s version. The two houses compromised, broadly by moving the Senate’s
rates up rather than the House’s down. In all, 890 tariffs were increased,
compared with the previous Tariff Act, of 1922, which had itself raised
duties dramatically (for examples, see table); 235 were cut. The bill
squeezed through the Senate, by 44 votes to 42, and breezed through the House.
Of all the calls on Hoover not to sign the bill, perhaps the weightiest was a
petition signed by 1,028 American economists. A dozen years later Frank
Fetter, one of the organisers, recalled their unanimity. 「Economic faculties
that within a few years were to be split wide open on monetary policy,
deficit finance, and the problem of big business, were practically at one in
their belief that the Hawley-Smoot bill was an iniquitous piece of
Some of the names are familiar even now. One was Frank Taussig, a former head
of the Tariff Commission (which advised on whether duties should be raised or
lowered). Another was Paul Douglas, later a senator (undergraduates are still
introduced to the Cobb-Douglas production function). And a third was Irving
上書了。12年之後,當年的組織者之一Frank Fetter,回憶起經濟學家的意見是如何統一
。」這當中,有些人的名字今天聽起來還很耳熟。前關稅委員會(the Tariff
Taussig),後來成為參議員的保羅‧道格拉斯(Paul Douglas)(本科生今天還會學習
柯布—道格拉斯生產函數),還有歐文‧費雪(Irving Fisher)。
Fisher is still a giant of economics, best known for his work on monetary
theory and index numbers. (He was fallible, though. Shortly before the 1929
stockmarket crash, he declared, 「Stock prices have reached what looks like a
permanently high plateau.」) According to Fetter, Fisher suggested that the
petition refer explicitly to the importance of trade to America as a huge
creditor nation: if other countries could not sell to the United States, how
could they repay their debts? It was also thanks to Fisher that so many
economists signed it. He proposed that it be sent to the entire membership of
the American Economic Association, rather than to one member of each
university’s faculty, and offered to meet the extra expense. The total cost
was $137, of which Fisher paid $105.
眾多的經濟學家聯名簽署。是他提議將請願書寄給美國經濟學會(American Economic
Expensive ink
Hoover’s signature cost rather more—even though the direct effect on
American trade was limited. The average rate on dutiable goods rose from 40%
to 48%, implying a price increase of only 6%. And most trade, Mr Irwin points
out, was free of duty (partly because high tariffs discouraged imports). He
estimates that the new tariff reduced dutiable imports by 17-20% and the
total by 4-6%. Yet the volume of American imports had already dropped by 15%
in the year before the act was passed. It would fall by a further 40% in a
little more than two years.
Other, bigger forces were at work. Chief among these was the fall in American
GDP, the causes of which went far beyond protection. The other was deflation,
which amplified the effects of the existing tariff and the Smoot-Hawley
increases. In those days most tariffs were levied on the volume of imports
(so many cents per pound, say) rather than value. So as deflation took hold
after 1929, effective tariff rates climbed, discouraging imports. By 1932,
the average American tariff on dutiable imports was 59.1%; only once before,
in 1830, had it been higher. Mr Irwin reckons that the Tariff Act raised
duties by 20%; deflation accounted for half as much again.
Smoot-Hawley did most harm by souring trade relations with other countries.
The League of Nations, of which America was not a member, had talked of a 「
tariff truce」; the Tariff Act helped to undermine that idea. By September
1929 the Hoover administration had already noted protests from 23 trading
partners at the prospect of higher tariffs. But the threat of retaliation was
ignored: America’s tariffs were America’s business. The Congressional
Record, notes Mr Irwin, contains 20 pages of debate on the duty on tomatoes
but very little on the reaction from abroad.
League of Nations)—美國不是成員國,曾提議各國達成「關稅休戰協議」(tariff
A study by Judith McDonald, Anthony Patrick O』Brien and Colleen Callahan*
examines the response of Canada, America’s biggest trading partner. When
Hoover was elected president, the Canadian prime minister, Mackenzie King,
wrote in his diary that his victory would lead to 「border warfare」. King,
who had cut tariffs in the early 1920s, warned the Americans that retaliation
might follow. In May 1930, with higher American tariffs all but certain, he
imposed extra duties on some American goods—and cut tariffs on imports from
the rest of the British empire.
Judith McDonald,Anthony Patrick O』Brien和 Colleen Callahan*研究了美國最大的
Mackenzie King)在日記中寫道,胡佛的當選將導致美加兩國的「邊界戰爭」。金在20世

He promptly called a general election, believing he had done enough to
satisfy Canadians』 resentment. America, wrote the New York Times, was 「
consciously giving Canada inducements to turn to England for the goods which
she has been buying from the United States.」 Canadians agreed. King’s
Liberals were crushed by the Conservatives, who favoured and enacted even
higher tariffs.
the New York Times)寫道,美國「有意在刺激加拿大,使其轉而向英國購買本從美國進
All this, of course, is history. There are plenty of reasons to think that
the terrible lesson of the 1930s will not have to be learnt again.
Governments have reaffirmed their commitment to open trade and the World
Trade Organisation (WTO). The complex patterns of cross-border commerce, with
myriad stages of production spread over so many countries, would be
enormously costly to pull apart.
And yet. Tariffs can be increased, even under the WTO. The use of
anti-dumping is on the rise. Favours offered to one industry (farming then;
cars now?) can be hard to refuse to others. And the fact that politicians
know something to be madness does not stop them doing it. They were told in
1930: 1,028 times over.
* 「Trade Wars: Canada’s Reaction to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff」. Journal of
Economic History, December 1997.
* 《貿易戰:加拿大對斯姆特-霍利關稅法案的反應》,《經濟史》,1997年12月。
1. bill: 美國國會議員可以以四種不同的形式提出新立法, 這四種形式包括法案
(Bills)、聯合決議案(Joint Resolution)、共同決議案(Concurrent Resolution)和簡單
決議案(Simple Resolution)。
2. logroller: Logrolling is the trading of favors or quid pro quo, such as
vote trading by legislative members to obtain passage of actions of interest
to each legislative member. logrolling 譯為滾木立法,並與「選票交換」、「互投
3. vote-trading: Vote trading is the practice of supporting someone else's
initiative in exchange for their support of one's own initiative. It
frequently takes place in legislative bodies. An example would be Congressman
A voting for a dam in Congressman B's district in exchange for Congressman
B's support for farm subsidies in Congressman A's district.
4. 美國立法程序: 得到委員會多數贊成通過的立法將被送到眾議院全院,在眾議院院會
: 民主黨的小羅斯福,他的前任是共和黨的赫伯特.胡佛。這兩個人可
: 以說是兩個光譜極端的人。
: 胡佛是中西部鄉下的鐵匠之子,身世雖算不上貧窮但也好不到哪去;
: 他的學歷是當時還名不見經傳的史丹佛大學,畢業以後在加州當採礦
: 工程師。他生活儉素,講求效率,以數字管理為本位。他在美國本土
: 公職的起點就是糧食管理局的局長,以嚴控產銷、杜絕浪費的作風而
: 聞名。從台灣人的角度來講,胡佛是個不折不扣的理工人,有豐富的
: 管理經驗,又是老練的財經首長。
: 反過來說,小羅斯福是東岸富豪世家么子,在紐約是數一數二的銀湯
: 匙少爺(羅斯福家族曾經擁有包括今天帝國大廈在內的曼哈頓大筆土
: 地)。他的學歷是哈佛加哥大,雖然書唸得不怎麼樣,在兄弟會裡面
: 倒是十分活躍。在大牌律師事務所當助理混了一兩年以後就從政選州
: 參議員,自此以後就再也沒有離開政治這一行。羅斯福生活闊綽,從
: 政散財毫不手軟,他的對手總說他是個不知民間疾苦、光會嘴炮的公
: 子哥兒。更慘的是,他還明著在老婆眼皮底下搞外遇。
: 光是從這兩個人的背景資料來看,胡佛正是台灣人求之不得的「理科
: 系領導人」,而羅斯福根本就是個靠爸誤國族。
: 但我們都知道,在經濟大恐慌面前灰頭土臉的是胡佛,而民粹崛起的
: 小羅斯福,最終領導著美國挺過大恐慌與第二次世界大戰。
: 所謂時勢造英雄、英雄造時勢。胡佛未必就是個無能的總統,小羅斯
: 福更談不上是聖賢。但是,放在1930年代的時間點來看,小羅斯
: 福成了那個「對的人」,而胡佛只能在歷史的舞台上黯然失色。
: 我不是研究歷史的專家,但是總結我看到的展示資料,我必須說小羅
: 斯福作為美國最優秀的總統之一,跟他的人格特質是有關的:
: 1.他有包括外表在內的強大個人魅力,優秀的口語溝通能力與民主選
: 舉必備的群眾號召力,但反過來說他就是當代美國的民粹大王。
: 2.他有堅強不屈的意志,但往難聽一點講,就是他橫著豎著都要照自
: 己的意思幹,土豪鴨霸連自己的副總統都反目成仇。
: 3.他有閉著眼睛跳入萬丈深坑的獻身精神,但是有時候他勇敢到讓人
: 為他的愚蠢感到瞠目結舌的地步。
: 4.他凡事抓大放小,執行面完全信賴優秀的專業閣僚,甚至在戰爭的
:  期間他與馬歇爾的人事佈局堪稱戰略史上的經典。但反過來說,產
:  業經貿、數字管理什麼的他一概不懂。
: 5.他是個久經歷練的民選領袖,總能在派系之間縱橫捭閤,獲取新政
:  所需要的政治能量。但反過來說,他新政裡面丟出了一桶又一桶的
:  牛肉,在很多人眼裡他根本就是腐敗到不行的政客。
: 看完了展覽,我不禁省思,我常常跟人嘴炮「文組誤國」,但,帶領
: 美國挺過驚濤駭浪十二年的,不正是我最看不起的那種政客嗎?
: 理工人其實是有理工人的思維盲點的。我們做事以前,總是會瞻前顧
: 後,想好了可行性再下手;但是在危機火燒屁股的時候,能夠閉著眼
: 睛跳下去做的,往往不是我們這種人。我們自奉理性,但是在政治合
: 縱連橫的場合上,往往無法跟人交心搏挪。
: 世局承平的時候,一個理性、有效率、思慮周全、清廉自奉的人往往
: 可以成為好領導。但是世局險惡的時候,往往那個我們理工人看不起
: 的愚蠢、民粹又腐敗的王八蛋,才能號召老百姓一起衝出難關。很多
: 承平時期看起來是嚴重缺陷的人格特質,在危機之下反而成了勝負的
: 關鍵點。
: 所以現在我真的不相信什麼「文組誤國」、「理組興國」的理論了。
: 事實上,一百個人有一百零一種性格,又有誰能界定理組出身的人就
: 會怎樣怎樣個性,文組出身的又會怎樣怎樣個性?一個時代需要的就
: 是一種人;在政治上面,真的不是理性走遍天下。
: ※ 引述《RevanKai (戰文大師ChaoSole)》之銘言:
: : 文組誤國
: : 長期以來已有共識
: : 文組
: : 生產力低落,思考沒有邏輯,容易被新聞洗腦,幾乎無常識可言
: : 沒有專業技能,就算有也對人類的發展毫無幫助
: : 可以說根本就是來混分的類別
: : 現在所有對人類而言很方便的科技,可以說完全都是理組製造、發明出來的
: : 未來人類要上火星,前往新殖民地,靠的也是理組
: : 那麼我們國家到底需要文組做甚麼呢?
: : 刪除文組讓更多人才釋放出來,別在學校瞎混時間
: : 是不是可以讓台灣國力更為強盛呢?
: : 反正台灣的文組職業,理組的去閉著眼睛考也是隨便上(但是薪水太低沒人願意考QQ)
: : 沒有需要特地開一個學院出來詐騙學生的錢吧?
: : 有掛嗎o'_'o?

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