民主黨德州眾議員 Al Green成為首位彈劾川普的眾議員
Texas Rep. Al Green called for President Trump's impeachment on the House
floor on Wednesday.
"This is where I stand. I will not be moved. The president must be
impeached," the Democratic congressman said Wednesday morning.
加上副總統彭斯曾被這位前國安顧問誤導 拿假訊息公開為他辯護
針對FBI調查,川普曾指示前FBI局長 "Let this go"
Green's call for impeachment follows a New York Times report that Trump asked
former FBI Director James Comey—who he fired last week—to stop
investigating Michael Flynn, the administration's former National Security
Adviser. According to the Times, Comey wrote a memo after meeting with Trump
the day after Flynn resigned, following revelations that he had misled Vice
President Mike Pence about his conversations regarding sanctions with Russian
ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Comey wrote in the memo that Trump asked him to
"let this go" regarding Flynn, according to the Times.
Talk of impeachment has swirled since the report of Comey's memo broke. Green
said Trump should be impeached "for obstructing a lawful investigation" of
his presidential campaign's ties to Russia in a release.
Green said the combined acts of Trump firing Comey, linking the firing to the
Russia probe and later threatening Comey via Twitter constituted
"intimidation and obstruction."