autumned (autumned)
2017-06-13 15:35:411.媒體來源:
Thousands of bees swarm into car in Hull
A swarm of up to 20,000 bees has taken over a car in Hull.
Shirley Taylor said the bees took residence in her Nissan car parked outside
her front door in Watt Street, on Sunday.
Chairman of the Beverley Beekeepers' Association, Chris Coulson, has been
trying to lure the swarm out of the vehicle since.
He said it was not clear what had attracted the bees to the vehicle and it
could take a while to clear them.
Mrs Taylor said the bees had arrived on Sunday when she received a message
from a neighbour warning her to be careful of her car when she got home.
Shirley Taylor表示這些蜜蜂是在周日時佔領了她停在家門前的Nissan,在她回家時
一養蜂協會主席 Chris Coulson至今還在試圖將蜂群引離車子,並表示不清楚究竟是什麼
"I just went indoors and closed all the windows and the neighbours did as
well," she said.
"It has been a bit of a hair-raising experience.
"There were thousands all over the place and I have been stung and my
daughter and granddaughter also got stung.
"It is like Nightmare on Watt Street."
Mrs Taylor said: "I did ask 'why pick on my car?' but my husband, who is a
bit of a joker, said it was because of all the Bee Gees CDs in the car."
Taylor: "我和鄰居全都躲進室內緊閉門窗"
我的丈夫回答: '應該是因為我們車裡那些Bee Gees CD "
Mr Coulson said bees usually swarm when their hives get too large and a
colony breaks away to form a new one.
However, he said he had never seen such a large swarm descend on a car before.
"These cars have all kind of recesses and the bees seem to have gone into
every one they could find.
"We are trying to make them fly. In the box on top of the car we have young
bees, some eggs and things like that and the bees in the car will hopefully
try to cover those to make sure they don't die."
He said he hoped they could remove the bees and find them a "more acceptable"
new home.
"我們還在試著讓他們飛走 但是車上已經有著蜂卵和小蜜蜂之類的東西 蜜蜂們應該會
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