ymth (ymth)
2017-08-06 17:33:53英國印度裔上議院議員及經濟學家的德賽(Meghnad Desai)
https://goo.gl/p6XfyV http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vyu1x
Desai, notably, said that the current standoff in Doklam should not be viewed
merely as a Indo-Sino face off. He went on to say that how the Doklam
standoff would ultimately get resolved depends not just on negotiations
between New Delhi and Beijing but on "what happens in the South China Sea".
"All things that follow now will have a lot to do with what happens in the
South China Sea. The US has sent out enough signals. If there is war, it will
be a US-China war, with India on the US side, in the South China Sea and in
the Himalayas. This trio (India, China and the US) is a very combustible
mixture right now," Desai told IANS.
Desai was also asked separately and directly whether the United States would
stand with India in case a war does break out between the two nuclear-armed
Asian countries. "Absolutely," the Padma Bhushan recipient said. "Ultimately,
you have to understand that India cannot stand up to China without American
help and support. America cannot stand up to China without Indian help. That
is the symmetry in this relationship."
Expounding his assertion that India and China would soon go to war, Desai
cautioned New Delhi against being complacent with judging Beijing's military
capabilities, warning that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is not the
Pakistani Army.
"I think, from past experience, we always assume that we are well prepared
but you will be fighting one of the finest armies in the world. It is a very
powerful army and I think they also have (much) training in mountain
warfare," Desai said.