※ 引述《lapetos (latt)》之銘言:
: 成本是0.66沒錯
: 我在MIT做的全球核能研究報告是查到這樣沒錯
: 底下有個Fuel costs的項目有寫
: 核能(nuclear)是0.47
: 燃煤(coal)是1.20
: 燃氣(ngcc)是3.5
: http://i.imgur.com/V280jQF.jpg
這邊的單位是mmBTU,Million British thermal units。
根本不是度,金額也不是新台幣是US dollar,你到底在比什麼?
: 不過這個是指燃料的部份而已
: 如果算進蓋廠成本跟核廢料處理成本
: 還有除役後要維護的成本
: 真正的發電成本就不只這些囉
: 底下這張才是真正的數據
: http://i.imgur.com/z2DVuiQ.jpg
你所謂的真正數據 Table 5.1
We start with a “base case” that examines the levelized real life-cycle
costs of nuclear, coal, and CCGT generating technology using assumptions
that we believe commercial investors would be expected to use today to
evaluate the costs of the alternative generation options.
The levelized cost is the constant real wholesale price of electricity
that meets a private investor’s financing cost, debt repayment,
income tax, and associated cash flow constraints.
(The assumptions underlying the base case are listed in Table 5.3
and illustrative cash flows produced by our financial model are provided
in Appendix 5.)
: 可以看到真正的發電成本是核電>燃氣>燃煤
: 這個是沒人知道的事情
: 想研究數據的可以看這篇超專業文
: https://goo.gl/cTrZd3
In countries that rely on state owned enterprises that are willing and able to
shift cost risks to consumers to reduce the cost of capital, or to subsidize
financing costs directly, and which face high gas and coal costs, it is
possible that nuclear power could be perceived to be an economical choice.
1. 台電核電發電成本每度電是有計算0.17元的後端處理費用的。
2. 近年核電發電成本台電的確幾乎不需要計算入建廠成本