cp109 (cp109)
2017-08-15 10:41:06※ 引述《ptt888 (op)》之銘言:
: 即使是法律系學生,很多也看不懂法條規定 大法官解釋跟法院判決書
: 更別說是一般人民
: 例如:「尚非難謂無吸食安非他命」,
: 「逕認被告前開言論已使在場員警心生畏懼,委無可採」
: 自非無疑」、「即非無疑」、「使在場員警心生畏懼,委無可採」等詞句,
: 法律條文跟法院判決,以及大法官解釋對象都是人民,
: 你寫的人民看不懂,是要人民怎麼知法?
: 美國法條跟判決書,如果翻譯成中文,連一般台灣人都看的懂
: 為什麼台灣法條跟法官判決書,不學美國一樣白話?
美國法院判決一堆 英文單字
Tort Law
A body of rights, obligations, and remedies that is applied by courts in
civil proceedings to provide relief for persons who have suffered harm from
the wrongful acts of others. The person who sustains injury or suffers
pecuniary damage as the result of tortious conduct is known as the plaintiff,
and the person who is responsible for inflicting the injury and incurs
liability for the damage is known as the defendant or tortfeasor.
Three elements must be established in every tort action. First, the plaintiff
must establish that the defendant was under a legal duty to act in a
particular fashion. Second, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant
breached this duty by failing to conform his or her behavior accordingly.
Third, the plaintiff must prove that he suffered injury or loss as a direct
result of the defendant's breach.
The law of torts serves four objectives. First, it seeks to compensate
victims for injuries suffered by the culpable action or inaction of others.
Second, it seeks to shift the cost of such injuries to the person or persons
who are legally responsible for inflicting them.
Third, it seeks to discourage injurious, careless, and risky behavior in the
future. Fourth, it seeks to vindicate legal rights and interests that have been
compromised, diminished, or emasculated. In theory these objectives are served
when tort liability is imposed on tortfeasors for intentional wrongdoing,
Negligence, and ultrahazardous activities.
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