searenata (HauSiaulism)
2017-08-18 02:12:02※ 引述《fffffff4 (使用者在線上)》之銘言:
: 來源:
: The daily caller
: 標題:
: Feminist Says Dunkirk Is A Bad Movie Because It Screams‘Men-Only’
: 女權人士: 敦克爾克缺乏女角 淪父權論述
這部片為何讓她覺得 "men-only" ,
唯一特別的地方是起用Harry Styles(當然是一個諷刺的說法)。
: 內文:
: Christopher Nolan’s “Dunkirk” is being celebrated as one of the strongest m
: ovies of the year—and may perhaps rank among one of the best war movies ever
: made alongside “Saving Private Ryan,” “Hacksaw Ridge,” and “Black Hawk Do
: wn.” Like the other great films, it doesn’t glorify war, but instead emphasi
: zes the tragedy of war. But because male critics are praising it, women’s mag
: azine Marie Claire has seen fit to trash the film for “celebrating maleness”
: —asking instead why war movies aren’t being made for women.
: 敦克爾克被譽為最偉大的戰爭電影,與搶救雷恩大兵等電影齊名。但女性雜誌Marie Clai
: re卻批評本電影「高抬男性氣質」,並質疑戰爭片為什麼無法讓女性感動。
: Writing for Marie Claire, Mehera Bonner declared “Dunkirk” to be “basic.”
: “And look, it’s not like I need every movie to have ‘strong female leads.’
: Wonder Woman can probably tide me over for at least a year and I understand t
: hat this was dominated by brave male soldiers. I get that,” she wrote, before
: slamming the film for its “general vibe.”
: Despite enjoying the film’s intense moments and even the performances of its
: actors, including One Direction’s Harry Styles in his first big screen appear
: ance, the Marie Claire writer slams Dunkirk for being “designed for men to ma
: n-out over.”
: 雜誌專欄作家Mehera Bonner表示,敦克爾克很平庸的一部片。她說:「我不是要每部電
: 影都有女強人當主角,我很喜歡神力女超人,但我也了解戰爭是男人打的。」
: 但她也批評敦克爾克是為男人而拍的電影。
: “The tenor of the people applauding it just screams ‘men-only’,” she conti
: nued, citing that the only reason male critics liked it was because it allowed
: them to feel manly.
: 她表示,只有男人才能欣賞此片,男人之所以喜歡,是因為看完會覺得有男子氣概。
: Bonner continues: “To me, Dunkirk felt like an excuse for men to celebrate ma
: leness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough. Fine, great, go forth,
: but if Nolan’s entire purpose is breaking the established war movie mold and
: doing something different—why not make a movie about women in World War II?”
: The Marie Claire writer argues that it’s the responsibility of top-tier dire
: ctors like Nolan to make the films she wants more of.
: 敦克爾克成了男人高抬男子氣概的藉口。
: 如果諾蘭導演想要打破戰爭片傳統,何不拍部二戰中的女性?
: This year’s “Wonder Woman” and “Atomic Blonde” are both highly rated film
: s, revealing little gender bias among film critics. Likewise, the female-drive
: n “Mad Max: Fury Road” was equally enjoyed by critics of either sex, earning
: it a spot as one of the highest rated films ever made. Films about women in t
: imes of war have been made, several to critical acclaim—including “Zero Dark
: Thirty” and “The English Patient.” According to film reviewers, each of th
: ese films broke the mold by taking typically male settings and centering them
: around female protagonists.
: Dunkirk was a prominent event in military history, but is rarely given notice
: in pop culture. To anyone who’s heard of Dunkirk, the evacuation is largely r
: emembered as both a miracle and a disaster for the Allied forces in Europe dur
: ing World War II. Failing to defend France against the Germans, the British we
: re forced to evacuate over 338,000 troops with the aid of private civilians.
: However, over 30,000 troops were left behind to be captured as prisoners of wa
: r to the German army. The British press managed to turn the loss into a sort o
: f victory with the “Dunkirk Spirit” that showed the solidarity of the Britis
: h people in saving the lives of their countrymen. With “Dunkirk,” Christophe
: r Nolan shed light on an event that would’ve otherwise relegated to the histo
: ry books.
: https://tinyurl.com/ybutwwoh