※ 引述《angellll (長尾巴的天使)》之銘言:
: 美國現在還真熱鬧
: 在媒體盛捧力挺的 極端左派Antifa 打了一場希迷口中的大聖戰之下
: Antifa的專用媒體開始高喊
: 讓我們來炸毀總統巨石吧
: http://tinyurl.com/ya6drddt
: 不愧是我欣賞 美國左派背書
: CNN報導的和平優質團體
: PS: 拉什摩爾國家公園真的很漂亮 請各位盡早去玩
: 免得以後看不到了
: 話說
: 芝加哥林肯雕像已經落難
: http://tinyurl.com/ycq7m8em
: 美國最近發生什麼事情呢?
: 這個黑人講解的很清楚
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S2TZOdXAtQ
: 不過我想希迷應該聽不進去
: 這就是所謂的 中天看太多 仙丹難救
“People were out partying on the 4th of July and lighting fireworks off of
it,” said Christopher Jackson, 22, who lives two blocks from the statue and
saw the revelers also light newspapers on fire on top of the statue.
Lopez said he learned the Lincoln bust was spray-painted black two weeks ago,
then vandalized again two days ago. In the second incident, the bust was “
covered in tar, wrapped in roofing paper and set on fire,” the alderman
said, noting that Chicago Police are investigating.
兩周前被噴漆 兩天又被潑土
所以 7/4 跟 兩周前 就有左派預測川普講話失鹽開始毀損