「這段愛情只維持了一年, 或許多用點心經營就不會走到這一步」她說
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer ,那破碎的地板就像逝去的愛情
I tell my love to wreck it all, cut out all the ropes and let me fall
And I told you 2b patient
2b fine
2b balanced
2b kind
這時她說了一句Suckle on the hope in light brassieres
口中不斷重複著my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my....也許是太過傷心 因而哽咽
And who the hell was I??
I'm breaking at the britches and the end of all your lines
我只回了句In the morning I'll be here with you..
Who will love you? Who will fight? Who will fall far behind?
聽完這段故事, 愛情 真的有那麼脆弱嗎??