: 推 Tapqou: 英文主詞第二次後簡略,文組連這麼基本的都不知道? 08/31 12:15
we,us,our 是人,我們
northern Taiwan 北台灣, 這裡的台灣 Taiwan 是地名
大家說說這4 8 4 過譽惹?
※ 引述《bloodydevil (蒼神之月)》之銘言:
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: 【全文】柯P謝詞中英文差異大 英文版僅1個台灣
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 2017年08月30日21:35
: 台北市長柯文哲,今天在世大運閉幕式致詞內容中英全文如下:
: 大家晚安,我是臺北市長柯文哲。
: Good evening. I am Ko Wen-je, the mayor of Taipei City.
: 2017臺北世界大學運動會即將在今晚畫下句點,來自世界各國的青年好手,十二天來在北
: 臺灣的競技場上拚鬥,你們追求卓越的熱情,令人感動。
: Today will conclude the Taipei 2017 Universiade. Over the past twelve days,
: athletes from all over the world have striven for glory in arenas across
: northern Taiwan. Their passion in the pursuit of excellence has been a moving
: performance.
: 感謝你們讓臺北的夏天更加多采多姿,讓2300萬的臺灣人民,有這個榮幸,陪伴你們一起
: 創造歷史紀錄,留下你們在臺灣最美好的回憶。
: To them I say thank you for making this such a memorable summer for all of
: us. It has been a privilege for our 23 million citizens to witness you write
: this chapter of history and create these wonderful memories with you.
: 感謝國際大學運動總會(FISU)的支持,讓世大運在臺北成功舉辦。
: My sincere and special thanks to FISU for granting us this Universiade and
: for their strong support during the event.
: 感謝郝龍斌前市長成功申辦世大運,感謝蔡總統、行政院各部會、場館所在各縣市政府的
: 鼎力支持,才能讓上萬名的選手與隊職員,在臺北完成這場運動盛事。
: I want to thank former Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-pin for winning Taipei’s bid to
: host the Universiade. I would also like to express my gratitude to President
: Tsai Ing-wen, all Ministries and Agencies of Executive Yuan and local
: governments where sports facilities are located for their strong support,
: enabling us to host tens of thousands of athletes, trainers, and staff here
: with us in Taipei for this gala event.
: 感謝世大運執行長蘇麗瓊帶領執委會的工作同仁,在大家都不看好的情形下完成艱苦的任
: 務,感謝紀政召集人帶領顧問團提供專業諮詢,還有六年來一起奉獻心力的市府同仁,感
: 謝你們。
: Thanks also to Chief Executive Officer of the Universiade Organizing
: Committee Su Li-chiung who was responsible for this challenging task despite
: the fact that many people did not think we could make it. I also want to
: extend my heartfelt gratitude to our advisers from various professional
: backgrounds, including Chi Cheng, providing valuable opinions. Finally, I
: also want to thank my colleagues in the city government who invested so much
: in the past six-year preparations for this event. Thank you all.
: 世大運的成功舉辦要歸功於無數的無名英雄,無論是場館的整建,市容的美化,負責維安
: 的軍警、負責運輸的交通人員,隨時待命的醫護消防人員,以及一萬多名志工,各場活動
: 的表演者以及轉播人員,還有購票進場實際支持這場盛會的民眾,
: I am also grateful to the unsung heroes around our land: to the people in
: charge of selecting and renovating venues and beautifying our city, to the
: police, to the transport personnel, to the medical staff who have been on
: constant stand-by, to the 10,000 volunteers who have given so much of
: themselves, to the performers and the broadcasters who have shared these
: beautiful performances with us. And finally, to the audience as well, whose
: support for the Universiade has been so crucial.
: 因為有你們,臺灣有機會向世界證明臺灣的力量,
: 因為有你們,臺北更有自信迎向光榮城市的未來。
: 榮耀屬於你們,請大家給自己和我們的臺灣一個熱情的掌聲。
: Because of you, we have shown our strength to the world.
: Because of you, Taipei looks forward to a brighter future with greater
: confidence.
: The glory belongs to all of you. Please join me in a round of applause for
: all of you, and for all of us!
: 2017臺北世大運即將交棒給同樣充滿熱情的義大利拿坡里市,也請大家給2019拿坡里世大
: 運一個熱情的祝福。
: The Taipei 2017 Universiade is coming to an end. Now, we pass the torch on to
: Naples, Italy, a city renowned for the passion of her people. Please join me
: as I offer my very best wishes for the Naples 2019 Universiade.
: 臺北世大運的結束是一個新的開始,這場運動盛會讓臺灣用運動和世界交朋友,讓臺灣更
: 緊密的融入國際社會,讓世界看見臺灣。
: The end of the Taipei Universiade is a new beginning. This event has allowed
: us to befriend the world through sport, to be further integrated into the
: international community, and to make the world see us as we are.
: 臺灣,是一個成功的故事
: 臺北,是一座光榮的城市
: 美麗島-福爾摩沙,
: 將繼續帶著海洋子民的勇氣與開放的胸襟,
: 勇敢的航向全世界,
: 再次感謝世界光臨臺灣
: 謝謝大家。
: Our country is a success story.
: Taipei is a city of glory.
: On our island vessel, beautiful Formosa,
: we shall continue to sail the world
: as courageous, open-minded island-dwellers.
: Once again, we thank the world for joining us here.
: Thank you.
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://goo.gl/qLvVsG
: 5.備註:
: 台灣的英文是we、us??????
: 還有只是站著拿個台灣英文旗,然後被黑衣人搶旗子才大吼,
: 結果就被請出場逮捕還被限制居住的???
: 不要說是華視字幕的問題,
: 看看柯市長30日的臉書直播影片貼文
: 世大運閉幕式,榮耀屬於你們,請大家給自己和臺灣一個熱情的掌聲。
: Today will conclude the Taipei 2017 Universiade. The glory belongs to all of
: you. Please join me in a round of applause for all of you, and for all of us!
: https://goo.gl/7n4fe6
: 和華視字幕一模一樣
作者: drigo 2017-09-01 13:02:00
昨天民視新聞報過了, 是英文版有跟FISU討論過, 遵循奧會模式, Taiwan只出現一次, 其它就是us