西雅圖時報 https://goo.gl/Kcvj1Y
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigns after fifth child sex-abuse allegation
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned Tuesday, just hours after new allegations
that he sexually abused a younger cousin decades ago in New York.
Murray, a former Democratic state legislator elected mayor in 2013, said in a
statement that he is resigning effective 5 p.m. Wednesday.
美國時間周二, 西雅圖市長Ed Murray被指控在1970年代性侵他在紐約的表弟, 而案件爆發
後的數小時他便請辭, 將在美國時間周三生效.
“While the allegations against me are not true, it is important that my
personal issues do not affect the ability of our City government to conduct
the public’s business,” Murray said in a statement.
City Councilmember Bruce Harrell will become mayor and will decide within
five days whether to fill out the remainder of the term, the statement says.
Murray表示:"這些指控皆不屬實, 但是我不希望私人問題影響市政的運作." 而現任副市長
The Seattle Times reported Tuesday morning on allegations by Murray’s
cousin, Joseph Dyer, 54, who has become the fifth man to publicly accuse
Murray of sexual abuse.
Dyer says he was 13 when Murray forced him into sex when the two shared a
bedroom at Dyer’s mother’s home in Medford, New York, in the mid-1970s.
54歲的Joseph Dyer為第五位因性侵案公開起訴市長的告訴人, Dyer表示13歲時他與Murray
同住在母親紐約的家, 而他在與Murray共用臥室時被他性侵.
Another accuser, Lloyd Anderson, issued a statement Tuesday through his
lawyer: “I feel victory, but saddened that it required another victim to
come forward for him to resign. I wonder how many other victims are out there.
另外一位告訴人為Lloyd Anderson, 他透過律師表示: "我終於嘗到勝利的滋味了, 但居然
要有五位受害者站出來他才要辭職, 我因此感到很悲傷, 也不知道還有多少位受害者
Murray, 62, a former Democratic state legislator, has repeatedly denied that
he sexually abused anyone, contending the accusations are part of a political
takedown targeting him for his progressive politics and record as a
gay-rights champion.
62歲的Murray反駁性侵的指控, 並認為這是政治操作. 目的只為了要打擊他革新派的政治
Murray attributed Dyer’s claims to bad blood between two estranged wings of
the family.
Murray ended his re-election bid earlier this year because of the scandal,
but had staved off calls for his resignation before his term is completed
this year.
He had retained support for finishing out his term from a majority of the
City Council and four former mayors, as well as mayoral candidate Jenny
Murray把Dyer的指控歸咎為"不和睦的家族關係". 先前的性侵指控也讓他在年初終止連任
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
之前看到的風向是共和黨想用輿論這打擊這位市長. 但是到現在已經爆到第五件了,
大家心裡應該有數了.Murray身為西雅圖第一位公開出櫃市長, 伴侶為日裔的Shiosaki,
任內期間兩人共同為同性戀議題奮鬥, 讓西雅圖以包容LGBTQ權利而聞名, 現在這個結果