eiw123 (阿克西斯教信徒)
2017-09-16 21:16:53: By Jessica Finn For Dailymail.com
: PUBLISHED: 01:29 BST, 14 September 2017 | UPDATED: 06:08 BST, 14 September
: 2017
: ‧
: Ted Cruz has addressed his past views on bedroom etiquette that resurfaced
: after his Twitter account 'liked' a pornographic video.
: The Republican Texas senator told CNN one of his staffers made an 'honest
: mistake' and insisted it would never happen again.
: He then discussed his time as solicitor general in Texas when he defended a
: law restricting the use of sex toys.共和黨德州參議員克魯茲接受CNN訪問時表示
: 他的一個幕僚犯了這個錯誤,這種嗜好以後不會再發生。他又談到了他在德州擔任律師生
: 涯時為一條禁止使用情趣玩具的法律辯護。
: Cruz summonsed his more liberal leanings when he commented further on the
: issue of sexual proclivities by saying 'Consenting adults should be able to
: do whatever they want in their bedrooms.'
: In the interview Wednesday he also doubled down saying it was one of his
: staffers who had, erroneously, hit like on the pornographic video from his
: Twitter account and that he 'promises they feel terrible,' although he would
: still not name them.克魯茲在談到這次事件展現了傾向自由派的性開放態度,並稱成年
: 人有權在房裡做想做的事。在周三的訪問,他再次強調他其中一個幕僚不小心用他的推特
: 帳號點色情影片讚。為此這位幕僚感到歉疚,克魯茲也不會透露這位幕僚身分。
: Scroll for video
: Ted Cruz went on CNN with Dana Bash to discuss various topics, when the issue
: of the 'like' of a hardcore porn video from his Twitter account came up 克魯茲
: 接受CNN記者達娜巴許的訪問,談及此次推特點擊色情影片事件
: ‧
: Ted Cruz blamed an aide for accidentally liking a hardcore porn video from
: his Twitter account泰德克魯茲責罵幕僚用他的推特帳號誤點色情影片讚
: The Texas senator appeared to like the post late on Monday, according to
: multiple Twitter users. He claimed an aide was responsible for the like 推特
: 網友發現德州參議員泰德克魯茲周一晚上點了色情影片讚。克魯茲事後強調他的幕僚該為
: 此事件負責
: Ted Cruz joked that he wishes the gaffe would have happened during the
: Indiana primary for publicity purposed
: 克魯茲開玩笑說要是這次事件發生在印第安納州初選時就好了,可以順便衝人氣
: The interview, with CNN's Dana Bash, was on a myriad of topics, but became
: pointed on the pornographic front when she posed: 'I can't believe I'm going
: to ask you this, but so you're officially saying Ted Cruz is okay with people
: buying sex toys?
: 訪談中的話題天南地北,但仍聚焦於色片事件,CNN記者達娜:實在不敢相信我要問
: 你的這個問題,所以你泰德克魯茲認同人民購買情趣玩具這件事囉?
: Bash was hearkening back to a vote back in 2007, when Cruz was not yet a
: senator but a solicitor general, and he argued in favor of a law that had
: previously banned the sale of sex toys.
: 達娜巴許提到了過去克魯茲擔任律師尚未成為參議員時,在2007的一個表決中,
: 克魯茲強力辯護禁止購買情趣玩具的法律。
: 'Can you appreciate the irony that you once defended a Texas law banning
: sales of sex toys?' Bash asked.
: 巴許問到:當時曾辯護禁止購買情趣玩具的法律,現在是否感到諷刺?
: Cruz said the media was 'just totally false' in referencing that 2007 sex toy
: ban proposal. He went on to say the banning of sex toys was a 'stupid law'.
: 克魯茲宣稱媒體引用2007情趣玩具禁止案是解讀錯誤。他接著說禁止購買情趣玩具是白癡
: 法律。
: 'Listen, I am one of the most libertarian members of the Senate. I think it
: is idiotic,' he said.
: 聽著!我是參議員裡面最自由派的!我認為這個法律很蠢!
: 'But, it is an opportunity for knuckleheads in the media to claim, oh, isn't
: this ironic that Cruz wants to ban these things'.
: 但這對那些豬頭媒體來說可以見縫插針啊!喔!克魯茲曾經要禁這些東西,是不是很蠢?
: Cruz, who previously stated it was a male staffer who hit 'like' on the
: video, said he would not give up their identity as the matter had been dealt
: with internally.克魯茲先前提到一位男性幕僚誤點色情影片,宣稱也不會做任何人事異
: 動,此次事件將由內部處理。
: 'The media and the Left seem obsessed with sex. Let people do what they
: want,' Cruz added.
: 克魯茲又補上一句:媒體和左膠們對性事很迷戀啊!隨他們去啦!
: The Texas senator stunned his Twitter followers after his account Monday
: night 'liked' the clip.
: 在周一晚上點讚事件後,這位德州參議員震驚了眾多推特跟隨者們
: +5
: ‧
: Ted Cruz called pornography a public health crisis in 2016 and said it is
: destroying the lives of millions
: 在2016年克魯茲表示:色情影片將造成公共衛生危機,毀壞數以百萬人的人生
: +5
: ‧
: What will it be? Since the tweet was liked just after 9.30pm in LA, some
: celebrities were awake to react to the like
: 晚上九點半後在LA這個讚點下去接下來會怎麼辦呢?一些名人迫不急待要回應了
: ‧
: The account @SexuallPosts thanked the conservative senator for watching the
: pornographic content
: 該色情影片官方帳號感謝泰德克魯茲參議員觀賞本片
: ‧
: Ted Cruz's tweet was up for a surprising amount of time, perhaps because no
: one with access to the account was awake
: 泰德的推特帳號當時造成不小的騷動,說不定管理帳號的小編們都睡著了
: ‧
: Ted Cruz was trending within minutes of liking the pornographic video on
: Twitter
: 泰德點色情影片讚的消息隨即成為大熱門
: +5
: ‧
: Ted Cruz's college roommate implied this behavior was not unusual for the
: Texas native
: 泰德的大學室友表示:他的行為實在不像在地的德州人...
: ‧
: People in the UK, including Piers Morgan, were awake and able to laugh at Ted
: Cruz for the unfortunate like
: 英國媒體人皮爾斯摩根正好醒著,順便嘲諷泰德
: He appeared to 'like' the x-rated clip late night, but it was redacted around
: 40 minutes later.
: 當晚他點了色情影片讚,但是四十分鐘後就退讚了
: Cruz told reporters that 'it was a staffing issue and it was inadvertent. It
: was a mistake. It was not a deliberate action.'
: 克魯茲說這是幕僚的怠慢行為,是操作疏失,並非故意的動作。
: 'This is not how I envisioned waking up this morning,' Cruz said. 'Although I
: will say that if I had known that this would trend so quickly, perhaps we
: should have posted something like this back during the Indiana primary.'
: 克魯茲說:我並不希望一早醒來就看到這種事,早知道消息傳這麼快,應該在印第安納州
: 初選時就這麼搞。
: In July of 2016, Cruz said in a GOP platform draft: 'Pornography, with its
: harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis
: that is destroying the life of millions.'
: 在2016年的一個演講稿中,克魯茲表示:色情影片將造成公共衛生危機,
: 毀壞數以百萬人的人生
: 'We encourage states to continue to fight this public menace and pledge our
: commitment to children's safety and well-being. We applaud the social
: networking sites that bar sex offenders from participation. We urge energetic
: prosecution of child pornography which closely linked to human trafficking.'
: 我們呼籲政府挺身對抗這個公害,保障我們國家未來主人翁的安全和福祉。
: 我們呼籲社群網站禁止性侵犯使用。我們要求積極偵辦兒童色情和人口販運問題!
: While Cruz was the solicitor general of the state of Texas, he helped argue
: in favor of banning sex toys in the Lone Star State.
: 克魯茲擔任德州律師期間,他曾為禁止情趣玩具的法案辯護。
: The video he liked does not appear to feature any sex toys.
: 影片中並未有任何情趣玩具畫面。
: In 2015 he watched hardcore pornography with Supreme Court justices when the
: court was considering regulating online porn.
: 在2015年審理規範線上色情影片時,克魯茲和最高法院法官一同在法庭看色情影片
: He told the Washington Post: 'We were in front of a large computer screen
: gazing at explicit, hardcore pornography.
: 他當時告訴華盛頓郵報:我們在電腦大螢幕前觀看清晰的色情影片
: Cruz's college roommate Craig Mazin also tweeted: 'Now imagine Ted is doing
: this four feet below you in the bottom bunk bed. Yes, my misery very much
: appreciates your company.'
: 克魯茲的大學同窗克雷格馬辛:想像泰德在躺在床上在你下面玩這四腳遊戲。為你的團隊
: 感到淡淡哀傷並致上敬意。
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4882398/Ted-Cruz-adults-wish-bed-porn-like.html
: https://goo.gl/p5zCAy
: 5.備註:
: 了不起!負責!
故事太長了啦 鄉民大概還會問Ted Cruz是誰?
幫他簡單介紹一下他的事蹟 以上就會變的很好笑
川普說他是lying Ted
友台議員 曾經是 現在是不是不知道 之前救母豬連署 沒有他簽名
禁影片 這個大家都知道了
大學時被朋友爆出 曾經...一起賭博賭輸了
初選時被爆出有婚外情 有婚外情沒有啥
可是..Ted Cruz外遇紀錄高達六個 印象好幾個都頗有姿色 包含名主播
此事件發生在跟我川對決時 媒體當然都不敢報
只在當時說 喔 這我有聽過 隔天馬上被開除
好了 講了一堆 他還是對宅宅很友善 他支持電玩