1.媒體來源: 華盛頓郵報 Washington Post
2.完整新聞標題: Trump authorizes release of JFK assassination documents despit
e concerns from federal agencies
The National Security Council had urged President Trump to withhold the last b
atch of government documents that could shed more light on the 1963 assassinat
ion of President John F. Kennedy.
The 1992 Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act mandated the release of
millions of pages related to Lee Harvey Oswald’s fatal shooting of Kennedy wi
thin 25 years. The final set of documents must be revealed by Oct. 26, and onl
y Trump has the authority to push back the deadline.
1992年制定的《甘迺迪檔案法》(JFK Records Act)要求應於25年內釋出百萬頁有關甘
Earlier this week Trump confidant Roger Stone told Infowars conspiracy theoris
t Alex Jones that he spoke to Trump and urged the president to release all the
本週早些時候,川普的密友暨政治顧問Roger Stone告訴《資訊戰》陰謀論家Alex Jones
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://wapo.st/2yHdsSg
5.備註: 檔案要公開囉!這筆懸案何時有解?