ewings (火星人當研究生)
2017-12-08 11:44:48※ 引述《tobetwob ()》之銘言:
: 電子煙協會官網新聞稿區:
: http://www.taiwanvapeassociation.org/news-/
: 以下提供期刊Nature及政府官方單位,關於電子煙的資料:
: Nature期刊:
: Patients are asking about e-cigarettes. What do we tell them?
: Published online:
: 25 July 2014
: https://www.nature.com/articles/sj.bdj.2014.596
: Abstract
: E-cigarettes are electronic devices that deliver vaporised nicotine liquid
: into the lungs. Since the introduction of e-cigarettes in 2004, the market in
: the UK has rapidly expanded and increasingly people are asking health
: professionals about them. This article gives an overview of e-cigarettes,
: their use, their regulatory status and evidence for their safety, quality and
: efficacy. Advice about e-cigarettes for dental health professionals to give
: patients is provided, as well as the five questions, proposed by Action on
: Smoking and Health, to consider when deciding whether to permit or prohibit
: use of e-cigarettes on premises.
: What do we tell patients about e-cigarettes?
: Published online:
: 19 December 2014
: https://www.nature.com/articles/bdjteam2014136
: Are e-cigarettes a gateway to smoking or a pathway to quitting?
: Published online:
: 14 August 2015
: https://www.nature.com/articles/sj.bdj.2015.591
: Abstract
: Over recent years there has been a massive increase in the usage of
: electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) by the general public. There are mixed views
: regarding the safety and efficacy of e-cigs, even among healthcare
: professionals. While some individuals view e-cigs as a public health concern,
: others recommend them as a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes for
: smokers who are willing to quit. Since e-cigs are a new phenomena, many
: clinicians are unaware of their impact on users (known as vapers), who may
: seek medical advice regarding their use. This clinical review aims to educate
: healthcare professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of
: e-cigarettes and to discuss whether e-cigarettes help users quit smoking or
: whether they renormalise smoking. This article will describe the contents of
: e-cigs and how they are used, the history, advantages, disadvantages and then
: balance the positive and negative aspects of their use. Due to the lack of
: long-term follow up of the health effects of e-cigarettes, caution is advised
: with their use.
: Development, validation and application of a device to measure e-cigarette
: users’ puffing topography
: Published online:
: 10 October 2016
: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep35071
: Abstract
: With the rapidly rising popularity and substantial evolution of electronic
: cigarettes (e-cigarettes) in the past 5–6 years, how these devices are used
: by vapers and consumers’ exposure to aerosol emissions need to be
: understood. We used puffing topography to measure directly product use. We
: adapted a cigarette puffing topography device for use with e-cigarettes. We
: performed validation using air and e-cigarette aerosol under multiple
: regimes. Consumer puffing topography was measured for 60 vapers provided with
: rechargeable “cig-a-like” or larger button-activated e-cigarettes, to use
: ad-libitum in two sessions. Under all regimes, air puff volumes were within 1
: Nicotine delivery from the refill liquid to the aerosol via high-power
: e-cigarette device
: Published online:
: 01 June 2017
: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-03008-0
: Abstract
: To offer an enhanced and well-controlled nicotine delivery from the refill
: liquid to the aerosol is a key point to adequately satisfy nicotine cravings
: using electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). A recent high-power ENDS,
: exhibiting higher aerosol nicotine delivery than older technologies, was
: used. The particle size distribution was measured using a cascade impactor.
: The effects of the refill liquid composition on the nicotine content of each
: size-fraction in the submicron range were investigated. Nicotine was
: quantified by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.
: Particle size distribution of the airborne refill liquid and the aerosol
: nicotine demonstrated that the nicotine is equally distributed in droplets
: regardless of their size. Results also proved that the nicotine concentration
: in aerosol was significantly lower compared to un-puffed refill liquid. A
: part of the nicotine may be left in the ENDS upon depletion, and consequently
: a portion of the nicotine may not be transferred to the user. Thus, new
: generation high-power ENDS associated with propylene glycol/vegetable
: glycerin (PG/VG) based solvent were very efficient to generate
: carrier-droplets containing nicotine molecules with a constant concentration.
: Findings highlighted that a portion of the nicotine in the refill liquid may
: not be transferred to the user.
: Health impact of E-cigarettes: a prospective 3.5-year study of regular daily
: users who have never smoked
: Published online:
: 17 November 2017
: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-14043-2
: Abstract
: Although electronic cigarettes (ECs) are a much less harmful alternative to
: tobacco cigarettes, there is concern as to whether long-term ECs use may
: cause risks to human health. We report health outcomes (blood pressure, heart
: rate, body weight, lung function, respiratory symptoms, exhaled breath nitric
: oxide [eNO], exhaled carbon monoxide [eCO], and high-resolution computed
: tomography [HRCT] of the lungs) from a prospective 3.5-year observational
: study of a cohort of nine daily EC users (mean age 29.7 (± 6.1) years) who
: have never smoked and a reference group of twelve never smokers. No
: significant changes could be detected over the observation period from
: baseline in the EC users or between EC users and control subjects in any of
: the health outcomes investigated. Moreover, no pathological findings could be
: identified on HRCT of the lungs and no respiratory symptoms were consistently
: reported in the EC user group. Although it cannot be excluded that some harm
: may occur at later stages, this study did not demonstrate any health concerns
: associated with long-term use of EC in relatively young users who did not
: also smoke tobacco.
: 海外政府、官方單位資料分隔線==========================================
: UK
: E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review
: 19 August 2015
: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-to
: bacco-estimates-landmark-review
: Electronic cigarettes
: 4 July 2016
: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/electronic-cigarettes
: NZ
: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/preventative-health-wellness/tobacco-contr
: ol/e-cigarettes
: Advancing Medicinal Nicotine Replacement Therapies as New Drugs – A new step
: in FDA’s comprehensive approach to tobacco and nicotine
: https://blogs.fda.gov/fdavoice/index.php/2017/11/advancing-medicinal-nicotine-
: replacement-therapies-as-new-drugs-a-new-step-in-fdas-comprehensive-approach-t
: o-tobacco-and-nicotine/
: Electronic Cigarettes
: E-cigarettes have the potential to benefit
: adult smokers who are not pregnant
: if used as a complete substitute for regular cigarettes
: and other smoked tobacco products.
: Are e-cigarettes less harmful than regular cigarettes?
: Yes—but that doesn’t mean e-cigarettes are safe
: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/index.htm
: Nicotine addicts, tar kills
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3685410/
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11037035
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181622/
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12052660
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC526783/
: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3466669/
: American Heart Association Issues E-Cigarette Recommendations
: when repeated efforts with conventional treatment fails, is intolerant, or
: rejected by a patient who wants to utilize e-cigarettes to help them quit,
: clinicians should not discourage their use by the patient.
: http://newsroom.heart.org/news/american-heart-association-issues-e-cigarette-r
: ecommendations
: ※ 引述《sharkpops (T-Rex)》之銘言:
: : https://udn.com/news/story/7266/2658800
: : 國內新聞寫的,不認同沒關係。
: : https://tinyurl.com/y9jnssm6
: : AHA的文獻~
: : “It’s critical that we rigorously examine the long-term impact of this new
: : technology on public health, cardiovascular disease and stroke, and pay
: : careful attention to the effect of e-cigarettes on adolescents.”
: : 電子煙或許比一般香菸不容易有癌症,
: : 但是不是比一般香菸更容易引起中風?
: : 我建議你們可以跟政府說,電子煙開放,也願意跟香菸 一樣被抽稅,健康捐~
: : 稅率跟香菸一樣,這樣政府會不會比較容易接受呢?
: : 電子的東西台灣都會要抽稅啊.....
: : ※ 引述《tobetwob ()》之銘言:
: : : 台灣電子煙產業發展協會新聞稿網址:
: : : http://0rz.tw/nbdVS
: : : 台灣100%不爆炸電子煙品牌 熱銷海外
: : : 經濟部標檢局應盡快建立台灣電子煙安規認證制度
: : : 資料統整: 台灣電子煙產業發展協會TVA & 台灣煙油品牌商HESLIFE
: : : 【日期】2017年12月08日
: : : 「抽一口就爆炸!男網購電子菸 4顆牙噴飛」TVBS新聞於2017年12月07日以聳動的新
: 聞標
: : : 題,報導美國電子煙爆炸事件,的確,國外電子煙爆炸案件時有所聞,然而,台灣新
: 聞內
: : : 容與原文新聞內容落差之大,令本會感到詫異! 原文報導意思是「麥特使用的電子煙
: 是電
: : : 子煙爆炸事件最常見到的*機械式電子煙」 (東森新聞已於當天(12/07)即時更正錯誤
: 內容
: : : ,本會在此特別致謝!)。
: : : TVBS的錯誤報導。(截圖於TVBS官網 12月08日03:00)
: : : 英文報導網址與內文:https://goo.gl/Q9MNWG
: : : 'It was a mechanical mod which seems to be the most common device in any
: : : e-cig explosion that happens while someone is using it,' e-cigarettes expert
: : : Jason Artman told WNEM.
: : : 電子式、機械式電子煙主機
: : : 電子煙主機分為兩大類:一、電子式電子煙主機(Electronic Mods;簡稱電子桿),
: 二、
: : : 機械式電子煙主機(Mechanical Mods;簡稱機械桿),兩種電子煙主機最大差異在於
: :電
: : : 子桿有電路板和晶片,可以讓使用者調整輸出功率,且有許多保護功能,使用上更為
: 方便
: : : 及安全,是新手使用電子煙的理想入門機種;而機械桿是沒有電子元件的主機,機械
: 桿的
: : : 最大優勢在於它能釋放電池的最大功率,毫無保留的輸出,因使用上有較多注意事項
: ,屬
: : : 電子煙主機中的進階機種。」
: : : 電子式電子煙(電子桿)。(圖片:業者提供)
: : : 機械式電子煙(機械桿)。(圖片:業者臉書下載)
: : : 電子煙主機安規認證
: : : 電子煙主機安規認證採用國際上電子產品的常見認證單位,例如:歐洲合格認證CE、
: 美國
: : : 聯邦通信委員會FCC以及歐盟的RoHS,台灣因主管機關 衛生福利部仍在立法合法管理
: 電子
: : : 煙產業,經濟部標準檢驗局待主管機關函釋後,即可制定電子煙主機的台灣檢驗標準
: ,達
: ,達
: : : 到淘汰不良電子煙產品,提升產品品質之目的,進而保障使用者的安全與健康。
: : : 台灣電子煙品牌Vethos Design已取得多項國際安規認證,產品行銷全球。(圖:業者
: 提供
: : : )
: : : 電煙協會呼籲主管機關設立電子煙專章 促使台灣達成無菸國家
: : : 台灣電子煙產業發展協會(TVA)共同發起人 王郁揚表示:「目前台灣電子煙相關法規
: 非常
: : : 不健全,這可能導致市面上現有的電子煙產品品質參差不齊,進而引起民眾對於電子
: 煙爆
: : : 炸的疑慮;所幸台灣多數電子煙業者販售電子煙產品時,皆會告知民眾操作方式及注
: 意事
: : : 項,並且提供免費電子煙操作教學服務,以保障使用者安全並提供良好使用體驗。雖
: 然多
: : : 數是良心業者,但難免會有”豬隊友”或”老鼠屎”的存在,協會期盼政府能夠設立
: 電子
: : : 煙專章,不僅能夠保障消費者的權益,更可效仿英國、紐西蘭政府,利用電子煙減害
: 的核
: : : 心價值,減少菸害達到無菸國家(吸菸人口<5%)之目標。」
: : : 電子煙主機認證單位一覽,期盼標檢局盡快完成相關標準的建立。(圖:本會製作)
: : : *機械式電子煙(機械桿)延伸閱讀:
: : : 一、賴桑-機械桿新手介紹:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2RXrZkYUlw
: : : 二、什麼是機械桿:https://read01.com/zh-tw/O3Q7mx4.html#.Wil2VFWWbIU
: : : 三、機械桿優缺點:https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/tech/enarm2q.html
: : : 四、新手如何安全使用機械桿:https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/news/vmm6e2l.html
: : : 新聞連聯絡人: 台灣電子煙產業發展協會 共同發起人 王郁揚 Danny
: : : Line: 0982-225-140