kaan888 (kaanChan)
2018-05-10 17:06:48看了這些評論後,覺青渾身不舒服,感覺生活在平行世界。
※ 引述《gn1384181 (青山遮不住,畢竟東流去)》之銘言:
: https://www.rt.com/business/422314-petro-yuan-futures-dollar-death/
: The snow is rolling down the mountain and nothing can stop it anymore, Good
: luck US to manage the resentment of all these years of USD tyranny.
: 雪球從山上滾下來了,沒有什麼可以阻擋。祝你好運美國,你將要面對這些年大家對美元
: 暴政的怨恨。
: It’s slowly but surely happening, the evil empires fall from grace will be
: spectacular.
: 這是一個緩慢但肯定會發生的事,邪惡帝國的墮落將是波瀾壯闊的。
: It’s about time to end the bullies life…
: 是時候結束惡霸的生活了…
: With no more deals done in the toilet paper currency it will be the gust of
: wind to bring down the house of cards. May god save them, because there is no
: one here on earth who will!!! GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
: 由於沒人願意交易這個廁紙貨幣,一陣風都能把美國這個紙牌建造的房子推倒。讓上帝去
: 拯救他們吧,因為這個世界上的人沒有人願意拯救他們!!!終於解脫了啊!!!
: The US evil empire has already been dying, but this is the final nail in the
: coffin.
: 美國這個邪惡的帝國已經奄奄一息了,這是他棺材裡的最後一顆釘子。
: Not so fast. We still have the evil corps to deal with.
: 沒有那麼快,我們還有邪惡的美國軍隊要應付。
: Now watch, how the dollar will burn to the ground…I’ve got my popcorn and
: beer.
: 現在觀看美元將如何一路下跌的…我有爆米花和啤酒。
: Good for China. The obese schoolyard bully’s lunch money has been stolen by
: the skinny Asian kid. Lol
: 肥胖的校園小霸王的午餐錢被瘦小的亞洲孩子偷了,哈哈。
: Congratulations World!!! This is a historic day!
: 祝賀世界!!!這是歷史性的一天!
: Yeah, hindus fully support the great imperial China!
: 是的,印度教徒完全支持偉大的中國帝國!
: Your government doesn’t lol.
: 你的政府不會支持,哈哈。
: China is creating the post-US world – and what a lovely world it will be : )
: 中國正在創造一個“後美國”世界,這將是一個多麼美好的世界啊。
: All arabs support the fantastic Chinese nation, the great superpower of China.
: 所有的阿拉伯人都會支持這個神奇的中華民族,這個偉大的超級大國中國。
: The arabs always wanted to trade in yuans, this is the chance to get rid of
: dollars! Yuan halal, dollars not halal!
: 阿拉伯人一直想用人民幣來交易,這是一個擺脫美元的好機會,人民幣清真,美元不清真
: !
: Its like a kid the first few days of getting a new toy, very excited at first
: then ot ends up in the garbage a year later. This was the move by China doing
: this now, they cant compete with the U.S. dollar, nobody can right now.
: 這就像一個孩子剛收到新玩具的頭幾天一樣,一開始很興奮,但在一年之後就變成了垃圾
: 。這就是中國現在採取的行動,他們無法和美元競爭,現在沒有國家可以。
: Empire, state, nation, civilization, or country HAS EVER survived that
: continually spends more than it takes in. History is very plain on this! So,
: if the USA doesn’t change its fiscal capers, and very soon, it’s going to
: go down just like Greece did, only this time it’s going to have a lot bigger
: impact than Greece did cause its economy is much bigger…What concerns me
: more is what is the military going to do.
: 帝國、國家、民族、文明都曾經歷過這樣的事情,他們花的錢比賺的錢多。在這一點上,
: 歷史有很清楚的描述! 因此,如果美國不改變其財政政策,很快,它就會像希臘一樣墮落
: ,只不過這次它會比希臘產生更大的影響,因為它的經濟規模要大得多….更讓我擔心的
: 是美國軍方會怎麼做。
: Dragon is waking…….Eagle has to come down from sky.
: 龍將甦醒,而鷹將從天墜落。
: If it is going to bring down the empire of war criminals and mass murderers
: it gets my vote!!
: 如果這可以摧毀戰爭罪犯和犯下大屠殺的美國帝國,我會投票贊成的!!
: I suggest you all to pray, repent, get enough can food, water, ammo etc for
: many months to come, we are entering great-tribulation-Apocalypse this year.
: 我建議你們大家都好好禱告,在未來的幾個月裡能獲得足夠多的食物、水、彈藥等等,我
: 們今年將進入大災難。
: I feel a war coming on!
: 我感覺到一場戰爭即將來臨!
: Americans will need to implement democracy in CHINA : )
: 美國人要對中國外送民主了。
: It’ll take trump about 30 seconds to sign a war document.
: 川普只需要花費30秒的時間簽署一份戰爭文件。
: He can sign whatever he want. facing China and Russia. In an open conflict is
: a suicide for US.
: 他可以簽署任何他想要的文件。但面對中國和俄羅斯,在公開的衝突中,對美國來說是自
: 殺。
: The weakening of US Petrol Dollar has its inherent danger bcoz the nefarious
: US will create turmoil and possible wars and unrest among poor nations in the
: world to prevent itself from becoming a Bankrupt State.
: 美國石油美元的貶值有其固有的危險事件,因為邪惡的美國將製造混亂,並引發世界上貧
: 窮國家之間的戰爭和動盪,這樣做的目的是為了防止美國國家的破產。
: It’s already been doing that for a century. The world, and many Americans,
: are waking up to what is really behind the US wars.
: 美國這樣作已經有一個世紀了。世界人民和許多美國人民,正在意識到美國戰爭背後的真
: 正原因。
: The US is utter evil. They can’t bring peace because they fund against
: peace. They attacked Iibya because of Gaddafi’s new currency of Africa. They
: killed millions in Iraq, they fight in Afghanistan. They have exposed
: themselves and the world has woken from its sleep.
: 美國是徹頭徹尾的惡魔,他們不能帶來和平,他們還反對和平,他們攻擊利比亞的原因是
: 因為格達費想要構築非洲新貨幣。他們在伊拉克殺害了數百萬人,他們還在阿富汗作戰。
: 他們即將暴露出自己的真實面貌,世界將從睡夢中醒來。
: I hope everyone that lost a loved one or friend in all these wars, realizes
: the wars were over oil and dollar dominance and Israeli greed.
: 我希望所有在這些戰爭中失去親人和朋友的人,能意識到這些戰爭是因為石油美元的統治
: 和以色列的貪婪。
: It Should, and to put full stop to the Jewish Shadow rule.
: 美國應該完全停止猶太人的背後統治。
: The parasite will bite the dust when its current has expires.
: 當宿主死亡時,寄生蟲也將倒下死去。
: We can thank Obama, Clinton, and many past globalist for this decay of the
: United States.
: 我們可以感謝歐巴馬、柯林頓和許多過去的全球主義者為美國的衰敗所做的努力。
: Few tried this already and got attacked, hanged, tortured- but this time USA
: can just watch.
: 幾乎沒有國家敢嘗試這個,因為會被攻擊、絞死、折磨,但這次美國只能眼睜睜地看著。
: We are ready to defend our country and our way of life against any
: aggressors. I am ready to get back in Navy. I’m proud of be an American at
: least I know I’m FREE.USA USA USA USA USA
: 我們已經準備好保衛我們的國家和我們的生活方式,反對任何侵略者。我準備好回到海軍
: 了。作為一個美國人我很自豪,至少我知道我是自由的。美國!美國!美國!
: Yes, I too am proud of what the USA used to stand for…but now…I hate the
: Wall Street Hollywood pedos that have hijacked this nation.
: 是的,我也為美國曾經過去的象徵感到驕傲…但現在…我痛恨那些劫持了這個國家的華爾
: 街和好萊塢。
: This is great news indeed. If nothing else, I would like to see each country
: go back to trading in their own currency only, or barter.
: 這確實是個好消息。沒有別的原因,我只是希望看到每個國家都可以用自己的貨幣進行交
: 易,或者以物易物。
: The US will never accept that.
: 美國永遠不會接受他們這樣做。
: Every evil in this world came to an end, it is time for US evil to come to an
: end too.
: 世界上的每一個邪惡都結束了,是時候讓美國的邪惡也結束了。
: Each country trading in its own currency is as it should be. Will an all
: powerful China allow that?
: 每個國家都以本國貨幣進行交易。一個強大的中國會允許嗎?
: Sure and I’m all for it but the problem arises when one becomes too powerful
: and starts to dominate. The temptation becomes too great. Will the Chinese be
: any different.
: 當然,我贊成是個好消息,但是當一個國家變得太強並開始可以支配大家時,問題就出現
: 了。誘惑大大了。中國人會和美國人不同嗎?
: The problem is that it raises up an even worse empire. Meet the new boss-
: same as the old boss….
: 問題是,它可能會引發一個更糟糕的帝國。這個新老闆可能和舊老闆一樣…
: Chinamem need to sweep over the world and hunt the Jews. Start with jp and
: take revenge for guIagd chinese who perished under soviet invader! Then
: deanse EU and USA.
: 中國人將要橫掃世界,獵殺猶太人。然後從日本開始,並向蘇聯入侵者下死去的中國人復
: 仇!然後清洗歐洲和美國。
: China managed to be an economic superpower even Yuan was not a reserve
: currency. Imagine what would happen if its money becomes a reserve currency
: like dollars
: 中國是一個經濟超級大國,甚至現在人民幣還不是儲備貨幣。想像一下如果他的貨幣變成
: 了美元這樣的儲備貨幣將會發生什麼。
: Now China can manipulate the oil prices to get cheap oil at will…
: 現在中國可以隨心所欲地操縱石油價格來獲取廉價石油…
: They would slowly use less and less oil as they are already pushing for green
: energy and electric cars.
: 慢慢地,他們將會使用越來越少的石油,因為他們正在推動綠色能源和電動汽車的發展。
: This will sadly hasten a war. Since the only way out of the US financial mess
: is war, will not be good. Maybe that is why the Greater Israel will be made.
: 可悲的是,這將導致一場戰爭。既然美國擺脫金融危機的唯一出路就是戰爭,那就不好了
: 。也許這就是為什麼以色列會被製造出來。
: Every War was, is and will be a War for financial control, i.e. all Wars are
: banker Wars.
: 每一場戰爭都是一場金融控制的戰爭,也就是說,所有的戰爭都是銀行家的戰爭。
: For the past 100 years or longer, the root cause of war has been the struggle
: for control of the world’s benchmark currency. After all, money is the root
: of all evil.
: 在過去的100年或更長時間裡,戰爭的根本原因一直是爭奪世界基準貨幣的控制權。畢竟
: ,金錢是萬惡之源。
: This sounds like a dedaration of war against the US. The US will do
: everything to keep its dominance. That include stirring yp trouble between
: China and Taiwan, to persuade China to go to war so that China can lose a lot
: of money.
: 這聽起來像是向美國宣戰。美國將盡一切努力保持其主導地位。這包括在中國和台灣之間
: 挑起事端,挑釁中國參加戰爭,這樣中國將會損失很多錢。
: The US has history of going to war with small nations that choose to use
: something other than the petrodollar. I’m curious to see what will happen
: now when a big nation such as China is choosing to do so.
: 某些小國選擇使用石油美元以外的其他貨幣,美國就會與其開戰。我很好奇,當中國這樣
: 的大國選擇這樣做時,會發生什麼。
: We all know what happened to Iraq’s Sadam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar
: Gaddafi when they proposed to stop using American Petro-dollars.
: 我們都知道伊拉克的海珊和利比亞的格達費,在他們提議停止使用美國石油美元時都發生
: 了什麼。
: Only difference is Iraq for example was a tough enough war, China is on an
: entire different level…they too have Nuclear weapons, 5 th fighter jets,
: intercontinental missiles.
: 唯一不同的是,伊拉克戰爭是一場已經很艱難的戰爭了,而中國與伊拉克處於一個完全不
: 同的級別上…他們有擁有核武器、第五代戰鬥機、洲際導彈。
: War with China should be unthinkable. In a hot war in asia, all US aircraft
: carriers would be gone the first day. Every surface ship would be lucky to
: last 2 days.
: 與中國開戰是難以想像的。在亞洲的一場熱戰中,所有美國航空母艦都將在第一天消失。
: 每艘水面艦能夠挺過兩天都是幸運的。
: My exact fear! That they prefer to doom the world rather than admit defeat.
: 我的恐懼是,美國寧願毀滅世界,也不願承認失敗。
: It is doomed. Anyone who understands economics knows it’s not a question
: that the US financial system crash and bum.
: 這是注定要失敗的。任何懂經濟學的人都知道,美國金融體系將要崩潰和燃燒,這不是一
: 個問題。
: This is good news. Soon USA will become a normal poor country . China will
: rule the world for the next few centuries and they do not have Political
: Correctness.
: 這是一個好消息。很快,美國將成為一個正常的貧窮國家。中國將在未來幾個世紀統治世
: 界,而且他們不講政治正確。
: The possibility of thermonuclear war and China censoring free speech if they
: come out on top is not something I am locking forward to.
: 如果他們登上頂峰,就有可能發生熱核戰爭,或中國審查言論自由,這不是我所期待的。
: The Chinese aren’t the only ones censoring free speech. The US and Europe
: have been doing it for just as long, albeit in a more subtle way. In China
: the corruption actually gets you in jail or to gallows, difference between
: them and the west where such things get swept under the carpet or rewarded.
: 中國並不是唯一審查言論自由的國家。美國和歐洲一直在這麼做,儘管是通過一種更微妙
: 的方式。在中國,貪汙實際上會讓你入獄或被絞死。他們和西方國家的不同之處在於,西
: 方的貪污會被掩蓋,甚至得到回報。
: I was in China for a few years and found it to be not that bureaucratic. I
: would hate to get involved with authorities though but on a normal day to day
: living, it seems quite relaxed and hardly ever seen any disturbances.
: 我在中國待了幾年,發現它不是那麼官僚,我不願與當局打交道,但在日常生活中,大家
: 看起來很放鬆,幾乎沒有任何騷亂。
: Corruption is actually legal in the US, for example bribing politicians in
: the form of “donations” before, during and after elections….IMHO one of
: the most systems.
: 貪汙在美國實際上是合法的,比如在選舉前、選舉期間和選舉後,賄賂政客以“捐款”的
: 形式,恕我直言,這是最爛的系統之一。
: Some of you don’t understand. The U.S. Dollar is merely ornate paper. It is
: rapidly losing against other currencies because it has no tangible value. It
: is backed by dwindling supplies of Saudi Arabia’s petroleum and the rapidly
: disappearing faith in the ability of the USA to honor its debts.
: 宿些人不明白,美元僅僅是一張華麗的紙。由於沒有真正的價值,它越來越難以對抗其他
: 貨幣了。沙烏地阿拉伯石油供應的減少,以及大家對美國履行債務能力的信心迅速消失,
: 都支持了這一觀點。
: Within 20 years Americans will be cleaning toilets in China. It’s beautiful.
: 20年內,美國人將在中國掃廁所,想到就美。
: I’ll suggest start buying your equipment(for cleaning Chinese toilets)in
: Wall mart while dollar still has any value…
: 我建議當美元仍然有任何價值時,美國人趕緊在華爾街市場購買你的工具(用於清掃廁所
: 的工具)。
: Soon US dollar=toilet paper.
: 不久美鈔=廁紙。
: I would still prefer toilet paper….it is not very hygienic to use dollars to
: ….
: 我還是喜歡衛生紙…用美鈔不太衛生….
: You are right, but it will be worth less than toilet paper.
: 你說的對,但它畢竟比廁紙還便宜。
: I am glad I saved all my Yuan might need them to shop at wal-mart fall apart.
: 我很高興我把我所有的人民幣都存了起來,將來很可能需要用他們去沃爾瑪購物。
: It wall be such a joy when yuan bills with the comrade Mao face on it become
: more popular around the world than American greenbucks…
: 當人民幣和毛頭像在世界上比美國的綠色美鈔更受歡迎時,這將是一種快樂。
: Might have to talk to my banker today. Seems like Petro yuan’s could have a
: good investment turn around in a year or two. If people start dumping US
: dollars we could see another rise like bit coin.
: 今天可能得和我的銀行業者談談。看起來在一兩年內,人民幣的投資可能會有一個很好的
: 投資回報。如果人們開始拋售美元,我們可以看到人民幣會像比特幣一樣上漲。
: I relies that it is a glib comment, but watch to see what the drug lords do
: with their money. If they start converting it to other forms of currency that
: could be a real bellwether as to the fate of the US dollar.
: 我意識到,這些都是油嘴滑舌的評論,讓我們看看毒梟在拿他們的錢幹什麼。如果他們開
: 始將美元兌換成其他形式的貨幣,那這將成為美元命運的真正風向標。
: Thanks God I been taking Mandarin classes since last year. Will need that
: very soon, as English is becoming a third-world language…
: 感謝上帝,自從去年以來,我一直在上中文課。中文很快就會變得需要,因為英語正在成
: 為第三世界的語言…
: First day of trading oil-yuan-gold futures on Shanghai Exchange…..from
: 09h-15h with 1 hour of lunch time(!!!?)….total 5h….about 3 billions($)……
: .not bad, not bad……
: 上海交易所交易石油-黃金期貨交易首日交易…從09h-15h還有1小時的中午休息時間,總
: 共5小時….約數十億美元的交易量,不錯、不錯……