Re: [新聞] 川普:克里米亞說俄語所以屬于俄國

作者: ggus (綠燈幸福)   2018-06-16 14:21:58
※ 引述《czqs2000 (青山)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: Business Insider 商業內幕
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Trump reportedly claimed to leaders at the G7 that Crimea is part of Russia
: because everyone there speaks Russian
: 川普在G7會議上表示因為克里米亞說俄語,所以屬于俄國
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: President Donald Trump told world leaders at the G7 summit that Crimea, a co
: ntested territory south of Ukraine, is part of Russia because everyone there
: speaks Russian, two diplomatic sources told Buzzfeed.
: 兩位外交人士表示,川普在G7會議期間說本應屬于烏克蘭一部分的克里米亞說俄語,所
: 以應當屬于俄國。
: Trump made the remarks at a Friday night dinner during the recent G7 summit
: in Quebec, Canada, according to one of the sources.
: 根據消息來源表示,川普是在上周五G7的晚餐會上說的這番話。
: Crimea, a peninsula that juts out from Ukraine into the Black Sea, has been
: disputed territory for centuries. According to the most recent 2001 census,
: 58% of people living in Crimea identified as ethnically Russian, and 77% spo
: ke Russian as their primary language.
: 克里米亞是一個從烏克蘭伸入黑海的半島,數世紀以來一直是(俄羅斯與烏克蘭之間的
: )爭議領土。根據最新的人口普查,居住在克里米亞的俄羅斯族占總人口的58%,總人

: 的77%將俄語作為主要語言。
: Russian President Vladimir Putin officially invaded and annexed the Crimean
: peninsula in 2014 with the aid of pro-Russian separatists. The annexation le
: d to international condemnation and sanctions, as well as Russia's expulsion
: from the G8 group of world leaders, making it the G7.
: 俄羅斯總統普京在2014年(指揮俄軍)入侵克里米亞,并援助當地的親俄羅斯的分離主
: 義者。入侵引來國際社會的制裁和譴責,導致俄羅斯被逐出G8峰會。
: The diplomatic source also said Trump told world leaders at the dinner that
: "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world" and seemed to qu
: estion why leaders sided with them over Russia.
: 外交人士還表示,川普在世界領導人晚宴上表示“烏克蘭是世界上最腐敗的國家”,這
: 說明了為什么(克里米亞的)領導人支持俄國。
: While Russia has claimed Crimean residents as federal subjects of Russia, Uk
: raine contends that Crimea is an integral part of its territory. While about
: ten UN member states recognize Crimea as Russian territory, the vast majori
: ty of the others, including the United States, side with Ukraine in the disp
: ute.
: 而俄羅斯稱克里米亞是俄羅斯聯邦的一部分,同時烏克蘭認為克里米亞是其領土不可分
: 割的一部分。大約十個聯合國成員國承認克里米亞是俄羅斯領土,其余的絕大部分國家
: ,包括美國,則與烏克蘭站在一起。
: Before departing for this year's G7 summit on Friday, Trump ruffled feathers
: by telling reporters he believed Russia should be let back in to the G8.
: 在出發參加G7會議之前,川普告訴記者應當讓俄羅斯回到G8.
: "Whether you like it or not, and it may not be politically correct, but we h
: ave a world to run," he said. "And in the G7, which used to be the G8 — the
: y threw Russia out — they should let Russia come back in because we should
: have Russia at the negotiating table."
: “不管你喜不喜歡它,它可能不是政治上正確的,我們還要一起管理世界。”川普說。
: “在G7峰會——之前是G8,他們將俄羅斯趕了出來。我們要讓俄羅斯回來,因為我們應
: 該和俄羅斯在談判桌上溝通。”
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: ple-speak-russian-g7-summit-2018-6
: 5.備註:
: 吱吱:臺灣說中文不代表臺灣屬于中國
: 川普:克里米亞說俄語,所以應當屬于俄國
: 吱吱:……爸爸!!!
作者: ams9 (大發利市)   2018-06-16 14:22:00
作者: deann (古美門上身)   2018-06-16 14:22:00
這樣台灣官方語言改英文吧 這樣就可以屬於美國?
作者: EXIONG (E雄)   2018-06-16 14:23:00
川普 2500萬墨難民先送台灣
作者: BLABLA007 (異度空間型男)   2018-06-16 14:30:00
2樓英國人阿 不要質疑你的中國信仰
作者: pocariccw (開始工作了...)   2018-06-16 14:39:00
作者: gool888   2018-06-16 14:50:00
作者: bluetory99 (BLUETORY)   2018-06-16 14:54:00
Let's all speak English. Me first, it is a pen.

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