※ 引述《deanh (夜想者)》之銘言:
: 不是想澆大家冷水。
: 這個地方真不是什麼機密之處。
: http://www.latimes.com/travel/la-tr-d-houston-20151004-story.html
: You can follow in astronauts' footsteps with this tour of the
: Johnson Space Center in Houston
: 節錄:
: A general admission ticket will allow you to see the world's
: largest collection of moon rocks and lunar samples, as well as
: more than 400 space artifacts in the center's permanent and
: traveling exhibits.
: 普通票能看的地方比較少。
: If you're a space buff like me, you'll want to take the museum's
: Level 9 Tour, an in-depth, behind-the-scenes experience that lasts
: about five hours. It costs $89.95, plus a $1.50 service charge if
: you buy your ticket online. But I thought this look at NASA
: facilities where history was made — and where future missions are
: being shaped — was well worth the price.
: $89.95跟$1.5服務費可以買到Level 9 TOur
: The next stop on the tour was Building 30, the Christopher C.
: Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center, a tall and mostly windowless
: structure named for NASA's first flight director, whose parents
: were prescient enough to name him Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr.
: 這個Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center就是蔡英文總統
: 文中提到的控制中心,那也是可以進去參觀的,蔡英文是不是有特別的導覽
: 我不知道,不過控制中心那真不是一般人去不了的地方。
: 我只是想提醒大家,焦點應該是放台灣總統首度進入官方背景的美國設施
: 內,而不是到了一個很了不起,沒人可以進去只有蔡英文總統獲得特別禮遇
: 才能進去的地方,不然消息傳出去可能會被別人覺得我們真沒見過世面。
: 我也沒去過,所以我只能從資料上查到,這應該不是特別難去的地方。