Re: [新聞] 綠營拒紀念823原因竟認為那是國民黨的仗

作者: geordie (Geordie)   2018-08-25 19:01:38
1.General Yu said that he felt that his work of rebuilding and expanding the
Chinese Army was now about finished, enabling him to concentrate on strategic
He felt that his work of converting the Chinese Army from a poorly
organized group of mercenaries into a modern well-trained force was his
greatest achievement.
He felt he would be remembered for this after
everything else he had done was forgotten.
He described how the conscription
system worked.
All 20-year old men, both Taiwanese and Mainlanders, were
automatically conscripted for 2 years. They were given 4 months of basic
training in nine combat regiments, then 20 months of active duty in the 21
regular divisions. After the completion of the 2 years of active service, the
draftees were placed in the active reserve for several years.
2.The system had enabled the Government to bring the 21 active divisions almost
to full strength. The seven divisions on Quemoy and Matsu were at
full strength or slightly over, and the 14 divisions on Taiwan would soon be
at about 95%.
Ambassador Yeh said twice that the Communists had not yet used the technique
of concentrated fire. He said he hated to think what the consequences might
be if they did. So far they have been scattering their shots all over the
islands. Not one GRC gun position on Quemoy has yet been hit. Nor has any of
the GRC’s main dumps.
The morale of the troops on Quemoy is excellent.
Some 20% of the men are Taiwanese and some of Taiwanese are among the best
gunners. Yeh said he did not believe that the Communists would attack the
minor Quemoy islands with the purpose of occupying them. He said that GRC
gunfire could make them untenable if they tried it.

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