geordie (Geordie)
2018-08-26 15:40:02※ 引述《moonmaker (Waiting Molina)》之銘言:
: 講那麼多那麼沒用啦
: 打嘴砲而已
: 就問一句民退黨跟台獨畜牲們
: 你們什麼時候要宣布獨立啊
: 趕快推動公投啊
: 幹 你們就是沒種嘛
: 整天叫囂騙票而已
: 我就引一段話來證明1949年美國也是無能為力
: 1949年,美國國務院認為以外交與經濟手段保衛台灣已告失敗。隨著國共內戰情勢發展,
: 台灣極有可能淪陷。6月9日,美國國務院遠東司開始對台政策進行再檢討,儘管台灣戰略
: 地位非常重要,美國參謀首長聯席會議仍堅持原來意見,以美國現有軍力與全球各地所擔
: 負的義務呈現不平衡狀態,認為美國無法在台用兵。
: 很顯然美國行政部門想干涉台灣啊 但是美軍軍力做不到啊 講完了
: 你們知道台獨畜牲最噁心的地方在哪裡嗎
: 一邊嫌國民黨架構的中華民國這個身體很臭
: 一邊又幹得很爽 柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯
The President said he would work on the statement tonight. The President
continued that he wished consideration given to taking Formosa back as part
of Japan and putting it under MacArthur’s Command.
The President said that he had a letter from the Generalissimo about one
month ago to the effect that the Generalissimo might step out of the
situation if that would help.
He said this was a private letter and he had
kept it secret.
He said that we might want to proceed along those lines in
order to get Chinese forces helping us.
He thought that the Generalissimo might step out if MacArthur were put in.