Re: [問卦]以前中國邦交國比我國少 聯合國投票卻贏?

作者: geordie (Geordie)   2018-09-04 14:54:56
※ 引述《godiegroup (詹皇mvp)》之銘言:
: 聯合國2758號決議
: 大會表決讓Prc進入聯合國,並成為常任理事國
: 美國 日本帶頭投反對票,加上當時我國邦交國數量大於prc
: 可是最後投票結果卻是,
: 76票贊成,35票反對,17票棄權
: 為何以前中國邦交國比我國少 ,加入美日帶頭反對,
: 為何中國還是能順利進入聯合國成為常任理事國?
Years later the people in the Historical Division of the State Department had
come across what there was of a written record about this whole episode. They
were getting the account ready to put into the Department's Foreign Relations
series of publications. They interviewed me at considerable length. In their
view and I think they were correct, the Chinese had been fiddling around at
the margins on the idea of opening up a channel of communication. What the
Chinese wanted to do, among other things, was to head off that General
Assembly resolution, then pending, to label the Chinese as aggressors in
Korea. When that had failed, and when the U.S. had pressed ahead with that
resolution, the Chinese said, "To hell with this." Also, up to that time

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