Re: [爆卦] 不玩了! INTEL 宣佈CPU外包台積電

作者: yamino (真我風采)   2018-09-10 23:27:20
※ 引述《ECZEMA (妖孽!!)》之銘言:
: 很新! Intel 剛說 14奈米製程的CPU 直接給 台積電作好了! 以後不自己作了!
: 以後是 INTEL AMD 的CPU 都台積電作的
: 口號呼起來!!
懶人一句話: Intel將部份入門級的14nm產品外包給台積
Intel to outsource some 14nm production to TSMC amid 'tight supply'
Intel 因產量緊繃 將部分14nm的量產外包給台積
Intel reportedly plans to outsource some of its 14nm chip production to
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
Intel 提出了將部分14nm晶片量產外包給台積
So says Digitimes, which reports that Intel is struggling meet capacity
in-house, likely caused by the firm's delay in advancing to 10nm which has
placed further pressure on its 14nm production lines. The firm's overall 14nm
chip supply fall short of demand by as much as 50 per cent, according to the
Digitime的報導指出 Intel正掙扎於達到自家的內部需求
起因為10nm上的發展延遲 且進一步造成14nm量產的壓力
Intel will give priority to its high-margin products, including server-use
processors and chipsets. Therefore, it will reportedly outsource the
production of its entry-level H310, "and several other 300 series desktop
processors", to TSMC, which Digitimes notes is already a contract
manufacturer of Intel for SoFIA-series handset SoC chips and FPGA products,
and makes Intel's baseband chips for use in the iPhone.
Intel會將優先性給予高毛利的產品 包含伺服器用的處理器和晶片
台積已經是Intel SoFIA系列手機SOC晶片以及FPGA產品的簽約生產者
"Outsourcing has become the only and appropriate choice for Intel since the
company is unlikely to build additional 14nm process capacity," the report
Intel's slowing 14nm production has lead to certain CPUs rising in price due
to their reduced availability, according to a report at Tom's Hardware.
Intel在14nm量產的延遲 使得部分CPU短缺而價格提高

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