XSZX (沉默‧封印......)
2018-10-01 11:33:30其實我比較想知道
※ 引述《NewYAWARA (朝霞之前奏)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《kid33 ()》之銘言:
: : 「太晚發現金庸」射鵰英雄傳英譯版登亞馬遜分類銷量冠軍
: : 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕知名武俠小說《射鵰英雄傳》在今年2月被譯成英文版出版
: : ,銷量相當不錯,在本月舉辦的「2018成都國際書店論壇」開幕時,《射鵰英雄傳》
: : 版的出版人受訪表示,英語系國家這麼晚才發現金庸,「真的太不可思議」,更讚許
: : 的寫作手法相當獨特。
: 其中一小段讓大家參考大概是怎麼寫的:
: 彭連虎只感上臂與小臂之交的「曲池穴」上一麻,手臂疾縮,總算變招迅速,
: 沒給她拂中穴道。這一來心中大奇,想不到這樣一個小姑娘竟然身負技藝,不
: 但出招快捷,認穴極準,而這門以小指拂穴的功夫,饒是他見多識廣,卻也從
: 未見過。殊不知黃蓉這「蘭花拂穴手」乃家傳絕技,講究的是「快、準、奇、
: 清」,快、準、奇,這還罷了,那個「清」字,務須出手優雅,氣度閒逸,輕
: 描淡寫,行若無事,才算得到家,要是出招緊迫狠辣,不免落了下乘,配不上
: 「蘭花」的高雅之名了。四字之中,倒是這「清」字訣最難。
: Tiger Peng's elbow went numb, followed by his whole arm. But he had
: barely felt any contact. HOw did this pretty young girl know about
: such an obscure pressure point? And how was she able to hit it so
: quickly and precisely? He had never, in all his years in the wulin,
: seen anything like this Orchid Touch kung fu, a technique that
: emphasised speed, accuracy, surprise and clarity. It was this last
: aspect, clarity, which really distinguished the accomplished
: practitioner, as it principally required a stillness of the heart,
: graceful movement born of an unhurried mind. Too urgent, too brutal,
: and the move would be clumsy and unbefitting of Orchid Touch style.
: Clarity: that was the hardest part to master.
: 「只不過我是王爵的世子,家教又嚴,要是給人知道,說我和一位江湖英雄、
: 草莽豪傑結了親家,不但父王怪罪,多半聖上還要嚴旨切責父王呢。」
: "But you see, I am the eldest son of the Prince of Zhao. My father
: is strict. If he found out I had agreed to marry a young girl of
: no family, a wandering performer from the rivers and lakes, he would
: be furious and the people would despise him for it."