諾貝爾獎的創立人諾貝爾 - 公認的炸藥之父
發明了矽藻土炸藥及雷管, 擁有Bofors軍工廠,可說是現代軍火工業的奠基者
There are three ways that Nobel is valuable to the Arms industry
諾貝爾在軍火工業的發展, 至少扮演了三個角色.
The first way is valuable in that he is a conduit, potential conduit
to governments that will pay more for weapons.
第一點呢, 諾貝爾扮演了中間人的角色, 他讓願意付更多錢買軍火設備的獨裁政權
The second way that he was important to them, was that he was selling
Bofors explosive products, which was one of the best arms manufacturer in the world.
The third way is that he was teaching them arms techniques, and
this is the worst because it is creative, whether he mentally or not,
he created a provoked incentive to kill innocent people around the wrold.
第三個諾貝爾扮演的角色, 他是一個導師的角色,教導獨裁政權如何使用軍火技術
諾貝爾這麼糟糕, 獲得諾貝爾獎是不是很可恥的一件事?
之後我如果不小心獲得諾貝爾獎一定拒領, 並呼籲其他獲獎人也一起拒領,
PS. 我英文程度差, 翻譯的不好請見諒