gsggsda (我是LAKERsBryant)
2018-10-15 11:08:221.媒體來源:
These Are the Best Countries to Live and Work in—And to Boost Your Salary
世界最佳 生活 工作 與 加薪的去處
Moving abroad boosts the average worker’s income by $21,000,
with the best-paid staff found in Switzerland, the U.S. and Hong Kong.
That’s the conclusion in a survey showing that 45 percent of expats said
their existing job paid more internationally and 28 percent changed locations
for a promotion. In Switzerland, famous for both sky-high mountains and
prices, the annual income boost totaled $61,000. Expat salaries there
averaged $203,000 per year – twice the global level.
到國外工作大概可以加薪 USD 21,000,當中 瑞士 美國和香港薪水的最頂。
總結來說,45%的出外人說 他們的現職薪資很有國際觀;
28%的出外人說 他們外出是為了升遷。
在因為高山跟高價知名的瑞士,出外去那邊年薪可以增加 USD 61,000。
在瑞士的出外人平均薪資大概是 USD 203,000 (台幣600萬左右),
== Show Me the Money / 給我錢 ==
Switzerland tops the list of destinations for the biggest pay packets
瑞士是全球給最明顯最大包的薪水的國家 (圖:去連結看)
排名(1~10):瑞士 美國 香港 中國 新加坡 沙聯 印度 印尼 日本 澳洲
In HSBC’s annual Expat Explorer, Singapore topped the ranking as best place
to live and work for a fourth straight year, beating New Zealand, Germany and
Canada. Switzerland ranked only eighth, with the high cost of raising children
and difficulty making friends going against it.
幹掉紐西蘭 德國 和 加拿大。
瑞士只有第八名,因為極高的育兒成本 和 極難在當地交朋友。
“Singapore packs everything a budding expat could want into one of the
world’s smallest territories,” said John Goddard, head of HSBC Expat.
加達德 強(匯豐的外派頭):小小的新加玻打包了所有出外人想要的東西。
Sweden, one of the world’s most gender-equal countries, got top billing for
family, while New Zealand, Spain and Taiwan led the way in the experience
世界上最兩性平權國家 瑞典,他的家庭收入是最高的;而新加坡 西班牙 和 台灣
== The Best Places to Live and Work, 2018 / 2018世界生活與工作最佳去處 ==
Singapore tops the list based on economics, experience and family life
新加玻基於經濟 生活體驗 和 家庭生活 居於最高排名 (圖:去連結看)
排名(1~10): 新加坡 紐西蘭 德國 加拿大 巴林 澳洲 瑞典 瑞士 台灣 沙聯
*巴林:西亞 中東國家 人均五萬鎂 人口大概一百多萬
Despite the cultural, financial and professional advantages of moving abroad,
the survey of 22,318 people uncovered that women trailed on a variety of
儘管出外工作有文化 財務 和 專業性 優勢,
While relocating boosted women’s income by roughly 27 percent