※ 引述《piggywu (piggy)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《jenlei (大帥哥)》之銘言:
: : 20字卦點
: : 討厭,修行法輪功的虞超壞壞又在講恐怖的故事捏,天阿廣東中山人民醫院竟然用7個月的
: : 嬰兒雙腎供體移植給成人捏,沒想到另一個黑阿伯的葛特曼也來虞超FB留言,葛特曼今日
: : 將在英國西敏寺出席聽證會,討厭過份捏
: : 內文
: http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20131014/00423_018.html
: 2013/10/14:
: 【本報訊】英國一名年僅五周的女嬰早前心臟衰竭死亡,醫院把她只有四厘米長的腎臟,
: 移植到一名腎衰竭女病人身上,成為全英最年輕捐贈者器官移植。
Newborn baby Teddy was UK's youngest ever organ donor
2015/4/23的新聞. 這嬰兒在世只有2小時不到, 就過世.
胎兒在子宮裡已有問題, 父母也早已決定要把嬰兒器官捐出.
又是英國喔.... 虞超 還有 葛特曼 還要打這種議題嗎? 換虞超飛英國開記者會去打
A newborn baby, who lived for less than two hours, became Britain's
youngest-ever organ donor last year.
Doctors at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, carried out the
pioneering surgery three minutes after Teddy Houlston died on April 22.
His kidneys were then used to save an adult's life in Leeds.
His parents, Mike Houlston and Jess Evans, from Cardiff, say they want
people to know his story and see his face, saying: "We are so proud of him".